Friday, February 19, 2016

What Cuba Wants From Investors

Posted in International, Investment

American investors have made their way into #Cuba. Just this week, the U.S. Treasury Department has approved the first significant U.S. business investment in Cuba since 1959: the Oggun tractor factory. This plant represents a $5 million to $10 million investment by an American company in Cuba.

Both countries seem serious about moving their recently-resurrected commercial relationship forward. The U.S. and Cuba have entered into an agreement to resume commercial flights between the two countries the same week Cuba’s Minister of Foreign Trade and Investments, along with other officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cuba’s Central Bank, and the Cuban Chamber of Commerce, have come to meet with the U.S. Secretary of Commerce to discuss how the two countries could further bilateral commercial relations.

While the focus of politicians’ rhetoric and scholars’ analysis has been on either what Americans are allowed to do, or on what Americans should want to do in Cuba, attention should be paid to what Cuba wants from its investors.
Cuba Wants Investors
First, there can be no doubt that Cuba wants investors.
In September 2013, Cuba created a Special Development Zone at Mariel (Zona Especial de Desarrollo Mariel). This $900 million port was formed in November 2013, 30 miles west of Havana, with the express purpose of attracting foreign investment. Many Americans are already familiar with Mariel, but remember it for the 1980 mass boatlift that carried thousands of Cuban refugees to America’s shores.  Instead of being a point of departure, Mariel is now a destination for foreign capital.
A few months after the creation of the Special Development Zone, Cuba’s National Assembly unanimously passed the Foreign Investment Act (Law 118) on March 29, 2014.  Law 118 promises foreign investors tax breaks and legal protections for their investments.
These far-reaching overtures to potential foreign investors were not made, however, without certain conditions.
Cuba Wants Investments in Particular Sectors
The Foreign Investment Act delineates, among other things, which investment vehicles are permissible, how investment shares may be transferred, who may be hired to work on the investment projects, and how disputes may be resolved.
Cuba has also specified in what it wants foreigners to invest. Last year, Cuba published a Portfolio of Opportunities for Foreign Investment detailing 326 projects in twelve sectors ripe for foreign investment:
1.    Tourism – 94 Projects
2.    Oil – 86 Projects
3.    Agriculture and Food – 40 Projects
4.    Renewable Energy – 22 Projects
5.    Industrial – 21 Projects
6.    Mining – 15 Projects
7.    Transportation – 15 Projects
8.    Construction – 14 Projects
9.    Biotechnology and Medicine – 9 Projects
10.  Business – 4 Projects
11.  Health – 3 Projects
12.  Audiovisual – 3 Projects
The highest number of projects was, not surprisingly, in the tourism sector. Cuba’s official policy on tourism investment is to direct foreign capital towards building or reconstructing new hotels and corresponding infrastructures. The President of Cuba’s Chamber of Commerce has noted the need to increase hotel capacities and standards in Havana and other heritage cities. So far, 74 hotel marketing and administration contracts have been signed, and these include almost 20 contracts with foreign firms.
Interestingly, Cuba has expressed a desire to attract foreign chains to its coasts, and is reportedly working on establishing agreements with renowned international chains across 58 facilities. Cuba is also promoting real estate development, including golf courses, marinas, and theme parks. Cuba has predicted that it will be one of the Caribbean’s top golfing destinations, and has already created two joint ventures, with British and Chinese investors, responsible for hotel construction. These projects are said to be worth over $400 million.
Furthering its efforts to attract investment in its tourism sector, Cuba is hosting its 36th International Tourism Fair (FITCUBA 2016) this year, which will be dedicated to Cuba’s culture and will feature Canada as the guest of honor.  Canada represents one of the highest sources of visitors to Cuba each year.
Notably, the Beacon Council, Miami-Dade County’s official economic development partnership, has identified seven target industries Miami’s business leaders should focus on:
·         Aviation
·         Banking and Finance
·         Creative Design
·         Hospitality and Tourism
·         Information Technology
·         Life Sciences and Healthcare
·         Trade and Logistics
The overlap between Cuba’s and Miami’s lists of target industries, along with Miami’s geographical proximity to Cuba and supply of Spanish-speaking professionals make the city an obvious key player in the development of Cuba’s business sector.
There are certain sectors, however, in which Cuba will not allow private ownership.
Cuba Does Not Want Investments in Particular Sectors
Notably, last December, Cuba’s official newspaper, the Granma, published an article titled, “Open Also Your Mind to Foreign Investment,” encouraging the Cuban people to embrace foreign investment. Cuban officials have reiterated that these changes in economic policy will not threaten the country’s socialist regime. Cuba’s policies expressly prohibit investment in sectors that may threaten Cuba’s political landscape.
For example, the Foreign Investment Act makes it illegal for a foreigner to invest in education services for Cubans and in the armed forces. Cuba’s Constitution also states that Cuba’s press, radio, television, film industry, and other mass media can never be privately owned.
These carve-outs are consistent with the Cuban government’s assurances to its people: Cuba is importing only capitalists’ capital, not their ideologies.
While it has been said that profit is apolitical, investors should not ignore the political contours of Cuba’s budding foreign investment regulations, as these may impact their investment opportunities.

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