Saturday, February 6, 2016

Ukrainian BTR-4 with Deutz engine adopted by Ukrainian army

"Ukroboronprom" signed the decision on the admission into service of the Ukrainian army BTR-4, adapted to the German Deutz engines for all NATO standards. 

The relevant document  was signed by the head of the group Roman Romanov directly on one of the grounds of the Kharkiv region after the test equipment.

Party of the new engines will be used for the assembly of armored personnel carriers BTR-3, BTR-4 and armored latest "Dozor-B." Until now, the equipment installed outdated Russian-made engines.

"Ukroboronprom" quickly made changes to the manufacturing process, technical documentation, so in the near future the companies of the Concern will install the engine of  Deutz (NATO standards) for all domestic samples of armored vehicles.

"German Deutz powerful, reliable, and that is very important in conditions of war, much quieter Russian engines, which were installed on armored vehicles before. Thus, the Ukrainian military will receive the best examples of ukrainian military equipment, which is established in accordance with NATO standards ", - commented Roman Romanov.

"Ukroboronprom" is now sees the development of active cooperation with many famous international companies. Among them - Deutz AG, Iveco, Volvo, Honeywell, Airbus, Boeing, Textron, Elbit, Lockheed Martin, BAE Systems, Thales.

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