Saturday, February 20, 2016

Second Anniversary of Ukraine's Revolution of Dignity

Press Statement

Mark C. Toner
Deputy Department Spokesperson
Washington, DC
February 20, 2016

Today, we join the people of Ukraine in honoring the memory of their Revolution of Dignity and those who gave their lives to build a more just, democratic, and European Ukraine. They braved sniper fire and three months in the bitter cold, and Ukraine got a second chance for freedom, justice, and a government that serves the people.

Ukraine’s reformers have made substantial progress, but much more remains to be done. The United States calls on Ukraine’s leaders to honor the memory of the Maidan by working together, accelerating reform, and respecting the will of the Ukrainian people who want progress.

That means fulfilling the conditions of Ukraine’s IMF program, rooting out corruption, and ending the oligarchic grip on politics and the economy. The Ukrainian people demand change, they deserve it, and the United States will continue to stand with them in support of their European choice.

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