Friday, February 19, 2016

Federica Mogherini on Ankara attacks, UK deal & Syria

High Representative/Vice-President #Federica_Mogherini is participating at the European Council today and on Friday, with top agenda points being migration and refugee crisis as well as the UK question. The summit is also expected to look at the ongoing crisis in #Syria and Libya.

Speaking to the press on arrival at the European Council Federica Mogherini extended her condolences to the Turkish people and authorities for the attacks on #Ankara yesterday, describing them as "completely unacceptable". On the UK question which is expected to dominate the Summit Mogherini said she hoped there would be a deal at the Council "which would make the European Union stronger and the UK part of a stronger Europe".

On migration, the High Representative insisted on the need of a common solution. "We have to avoid unilateral steps, the illusion that there is a national solution. Only a European solution and all measures that have been agreed need to be implemented by all of is she said. In the coming weeks further policies instruments and leaners need to be discussed – including the revision of the Dublin convention" Mogherini said.

Turning to Syria Mogherini said it would be discussed and she mentioned the three commitments that all sides had agreed last week. On the first of these, humanitarian access, Mogherini said that she had spoken to UN envoy Staffan de Mistura and that access to five besieged areas had taken place and 83,000 people had received humanitarian aid. She said 460,000 people were still in need of humanitarian aid. 

On cessation of hostilities, Mogherini underlined that the decisions taken in Munich have still to be implemented: "We are far from that we are need to be" and the international community needs to work on a cessation of hostilities now. The same applies to the political process in Geneva: the international community needs to stick to the commitments made one week ago.

The European Council brings together the leaders of all 28 EU countries. The High Representative attends the Council when foreign and security policy issues are discussed.

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