Friday, February 19, 2016

Demian Mnohohrishny ( the Hetman of Left-bank Ukraine)

Demian Mnohohrishny  (1631, Korop – 1703) was the Hetman of Left-bank Ukraine from 1669 to 1672. His surname literally means "of many sins".

Supporters of the policy Hetman Petro Doroshenko, during the reign sought to integrate both sides of the Dnieper under the protectorate of the Ottoman Empire.

Also, military, politician and statesman. Colonel Chernigov.

Demian Mnohohrishny  tried to pursue a policy aimed at protecting the national interests of Ukraine:

achieved to Kyiv, despite the conditions Andrusovo truce remained a part of the Left Bank;
conducted secret negotiations with Peter Doroshenko about the probability of the Left Bank Hetman under the protectorate of the Ottoman Empire.

This policy caused dissatisfaction as officer of the Cossack elite, and the Moscow government.

On the night of 12 to 13 March 1672 in Baturin Cossack officers with the support of the chief of the Moscow garrison Damian Mnohohrishny arrested and handed  to representatives of Muscow.

Hetman was taken to Moscow, where in mid-April 1672 began trial. He was accused of treason overlord, tortured, and sentenced to death, which was later replaced by a life of exile.

Related post: Mykhailo Khanenko

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