Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Letter of Resignation


Nobody works at one place forever. Whether you receive an offer for a new and excited opportunity, want to venture out on your own, or just need a sabbatical, a Letter of Resignation allows you to leave your current job in the most professional and polite way you can.

Use a Letter of Resignation if:
You want to inform your employer that you are leaving your position as well as your reason(s) for leaving
Your employer asks for formal and written notice of your resignation

Other names for a Letter of Resignation:
Resignation Letter, Resignation Letter Email, Employment Resignation Letter, Letter to Quit

Letter of Resignation basics:

Since no Letter of Resignation is like any other, our Letter of Resignation template allows you to craft your own, unique letter, and either send it electronically or print it out and hand it to your company’s human resources department in person.

Reasons you should submit a Letter of Resignation

Just because you’re leaving your current job doesn’t mean you should burn that bridge. A professional and honest Resignation Letter lets your employer know the details of your plan. They might not be thrilled you’re leaving, but doing it the right way means you’re not leaving them in the lurch. It’s a polite gesture and, when your next employer is checking your references, it can really help.

Conversely, sometimes an employer may actually ask you to submit a Letter of Resignation in addition to simple verbal notice. This template allows you to craft that letter quickly and easily while maintaining a proper, business-like tone.

Things to include in your Letter of Resignation:

Employer information: You’ll want to include the company name and address of the job you’re resigning from, as well as the name(s) of the people who’ll need to be informed. Obviously, you’ve made personal connections with plenty of your coworkers, but this letter isn’t the place for that. Send those people a personal email. Keep this letter high-level and professional. Alert your primary supervisors and your HR department at a minimum.

Your information: Here, you’ll want to note your job title and job description, as well as the usual details present in any formal letter, such as your address and phone number. This has the added bonus of solidifying your title in your resignation letter in case records are misplaced or lost in the future.

Effective dates: The dates surrounding your resignation are one of the key components to crafting this letter. Unless you’re totally unable to do so, giving two weeks notice, at least, is considered standard, so try to make the date of your resignation letter at least fourteen days prior to the date you’ll actually, physically leave the company. This gives your employer time to start looking for your replacement, as well as figuring out the best way to transfer your important duties to a capable coworker in the interim.

Reason for leaving: You don’t have to include a reason for leaving in your Letter of Resignation. It’s optional and there’s no hard and fast rule for when to include a reason or not. Whatever you do, don’t call out your co-workers, subordinates, or supervisors in your reasoning. If you had a big problem with one of these people, consider talking to your HR department in person and letting them know.

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