Saturday, June 6, 2015

Canada will never recognize illegal occupation of Ukrainian territory by Russian forces

Prime Minister Harper emphasized  that the position of Canada regarding Ukraine remained clear. "Canada will never recognize illegal occupation of Ukrainian territory by Russian forces. We will never agree to the fact that the borders of a sovereign country can be altered by force. We urge Mr. Putin to stop his invasion in the Eastern Ukraine, withdraw his troops, tanks and heavy weaponry and stop providing military assistance to separatists," the Prime Minister of Canada said.

According to Stephen Harper, Canada upholds the efforts on diplomatic settlement of the situation in Donbas and the agreements already achieved in that context. "But for all this to happen, troops of Mr. Putin and their allies-separatists must cease fire," he said. The Prime Minister emphasized that Canada and the entire world couldn't stay aside and ignore daily attacks that kill Ukrainians in their own territory.

"Economic sanctions against Putin's regime must be prolonged until the withdrawal of the occupant forces, restoration of territorial sovereignty of Ukraine and achievement of real truce," the Prime Minister of Canada said. He reminded that Canada had imposed sanctions against more than 270 individuals and legal entities. "We are ready to cooperate with our allies and impose additional sanctions in case of need," Stephen Harper added.

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