
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Patriarch Filaret in EP: Stop Putin before the Third World War starts

It is necessary to stop the Russian aggression before the Third World War starts that will destroy the whole of Europe.
Patriarch of Kyiv and all Ukraine Filaret stated this at the European Parliament on Tuesday.
"It is not about the local war in eastern Ukraine. We are talking about the beginning of a possible Third World War. Do not think that we do not understand that these events taking place in eastern Ukraine today will not lead to World War III. It will happen if we do not stop an aggressor in the beginning of his actions," the Ukrainian patriarch addressed MEPs.
According to Filaret, if Russia is not stopped today, it will go further. "And then Europe, which now lives quietly, will have the same crisis as Donbas is experiencing today - a destruction," he said.
He urged the European partners to provide all their possible assistance to Ukraine in countering Russian aggression.

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