
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Amend Article 69 of the Tax Code of Ukraine (regarding simplification of the business environment)

The Verkhovna Rada adopted a law proposed by the government to amend Article 69 of the Tax Code of Ukraine (regarding simplification of the business environment) (№2381).

In paragraph 69.1 of Article 69 of the Tax Code of Ukraine stipulates that banks and other financial institutions to open current and other accounts of taxpayers - legal persons (residents and nonresidents), regardless of the legal form in the presence of the documents issued by regulatory authorities, confirming the capture of their registration in such bodies, or an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and individuals - entrepreneurs or information from the roster received by the bank in accordance with the law, with the indications of registration in the control bodies as a taxpayer.

Paragraph 69.2 stipulates that banks and other financial institutions are required to send a notice of opening or closing the accounts of the taxpayer - legal entity, including through open its subdivisions, or a self-employed individual in the supervisory authority, which takes account of the taxpayer, the opening day / closing the account.

Also paragraph 69.3 supplemented by a provision that if the supervisory authority within the time limit set by the first subparagraph of this paragraph shall not filed a notice of refusal to accept the account to the account, such account shall be considered to take account of a supervisory authority tacitly - in the time and date receiving financial institution message (receipt) of the supervisory authority of the decision confirming the message in the processing in accordance with the procedure for reporting established in accordance with paragraph 69.5 of this article.

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