
Friday, March 6, 2015

The system of electronic auctions for distrained property

The system of electronic auctions for distrained property (CETAM) has proved its effectiveness and in the nearest future will become an ongoing program rather than just a pilot project. Such a statement has been made during the round table “CETAM: first results and new opportunities” by the First Deputy Minister of Justice of Ukraine Natalya Sevostyanova.
“The next CETAM development stage will be the introduction of this system not as a pilot project, but as a fully ongoing project. We have finished testing the system and it has proved its efficiency. That is why in the nearest future we expect the Government’s decision, which will allow transferring this project on an permanent basis”, - stated the First Deputy Minister of Justice.
She reminded that previously due to corruption schemes, during monetization of distrained property, companies, close to the former Government, earned 300 million UAH annually. And the only members, who were able to participate in auctions and buy lots, they were interested in, nearly for free have been the ones who were close to the former Government.

“CETAM has brought auctions to a new transparent level. Everyone can see the lots in the Internet; participate in these auctions by raising the value of the lot. According to the 6 months’ results of the pilot project the average value of lots has increased by 12,1%”, - emphasized Natalya Sevostyanova.
According to the First Deputy Minister of Justice this is an excellent indicator for citizens whose property is being sold. After all, if there will be enough money from selling the lot to cover the debt, for example a bank debt, the rest of the money will go over to the former property owner.
She had also stated that according to the first half year results of these auctions there were certain improvements made in the online auctions system. A simplified system for selling property, if its price doesn’t exceed 10 tax-free allowances (1700 UAH) has been introduced. In particular, terms of putting these lots up for sale have been decreased from 1 month to 1 week, as well as there is no more need for security deposits. Additionally, a special stake system has been introduced; lot presentation has been improved on the website; the procedure for presentation of results of auctions has been simplified. Apart from that, a decision has been made to give up the mandatory use of Digital signatures.
As it has been stated by the First Deputy Head of the State Enforcement Service of Ukraine Agia Ahundova – all changes, made being made in CETAM are based on the feedback and complaints of experts and citizens, who use the system.
“In just a couple of weeks users will be able to experience the effects of innovations. And in a month or two we will see how these changes affect the statistics’ numbers”, - emphasized the First Deputy Head of the SES.
She has also stated that these changes are not final and the system will continue to improve itself.
“We will be very grateful for your prompts. Feel free to report us about any shortcomings in the system if you happen to encounter any. We are open and ready to further improve the CETAM system”, - summarized Agia Ahundova.

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