
Saturday, March 7, 2015

Land management - simplified procedure

President of Ukraine Poroshenko signed a law № 180-VIII "On Amendments to Article 186-1 of the Land Code of Ukraine" regarding the simplification of procedures for approval of the project land. "

The law simplifies the procedure of realization of the rights of citizens to free transfer of their land from the lands of the state or municipal property. In addition the law eliminates the slow process harmonization of land management projects.

To date, there is a problem when employees of the relevant authorities tighten coordination of land management projects. They require the elimination of defects, without specifying the complete list of deficiencies that must be corrected.

Eliminating these deficiencies lasts for years and citizens spend a lot of money for re-registration documents. This violates the constitutional rights of citizens. In this regard, the Act sets out clear requirements for the relevant authorities. They must specify an exhaustive list of design flaws to those persons who have applied for approval of land management projects.

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