Monday, May 13, 2024

"Discover the Potential: Ukraine's Industrial Parks Catalog 🏭


Industrial parks play a pivotal role in driving Ukraine's economic growth and regional development. Here's how:

  1. Investment Attraction: Industrial parks are magnets for investments, fueling Ukraine's economy.
  2. Regional Equilibrium: They help balance economic development across regions, enhancing the population's quality of life.
  3. Innovation Hub: Industrial parks foster innovation and sustainable technologies.
  4. Job Creation: They are job creation engines, with an estimate of 50 new jobs per hectare.
  5. Environmentally Friendly: Industrial parks promote sustainable development and environmental protection.

We're proud to present our Industrial Parks Catalog, designed to assist companies in finding partners and suitable locations for their production facilities. This catalog is a gateway to:

  • Partnering Opportunities
  • Equipped Infrastructure
  • Investment Inflow
  • Job Generation
  • Environmental Sustainability

"Industrial parks are a key part of our 'Made in Ukraine' strategy," said First Deputy Prime Minister Yulia Svyridenko. With a 1 billion UAH investment in park infrastructure this year, we're fostering a conducive environment for business growth.

Explore the catalog to uncover details about specialization, infrastructure, services, tax incentives, and investment opportunities in each park. It's your guide to maximizing the benefits of each industrial park.

Deputy Minister Vitaly Kindrativ emphasizes, "Industrial parks align with global trends in industry modernization, resource efficiency, employment, and regional progress."

Take the first step towards economic prosperity and sustainability. Dive into our Industrial Parks Catalog today!"

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