
Friday, March 29, 2024



The UN General Assembly resolution adopted on November 14, 2022 became the prerequisite for the creation of the International Register of Damages Caused by the Russian Federation's Aggression Against Ukraine.

The specified resolution confirmed the responsibility of the Russian Federation for the damage caused to Ukraine as a result of armed aggression, recognized the need to create an international compensation mechanism, and recommended the establishment of an international Register of Damages.

To implement this resolution, Ukraine together with its partners implemented the first stage, namely: creating an international Register of Damages.

Under the auspices of the Council of Europe, the Extended Partial Agreement on the Register of Damages Caused by the Russian Federation's Aggression Against Ukraine was concluded, to which 43 countries and the European Union joined.

The International Register of Damages will include more than 40 categories of damages, losses and damages. That is, this is the maximum database that will concern any damage caused in Ukraine to individuals and legal entities, as well as to the state of Ukraine.

The location of the Registry is the city of The Hague, the Kingdom of the Netherlands."

The start of the Registry begins on April 2, 2024. It will be open for applications. The Registry will start accepting applications for damaged or destroyed residential real estate.

Such a decision was made in view of the fact that such a Register exists in Ukraine today, and the information already available in the State Register will be easier to transfer to the international Register. But other categories will be introduced gradually. It also depends on the technical settings, since the Register is a digital platform, that is, it will not be necessary to send paper documents to its postal address.

There are 3 qualifying criteria for a person who can submit applications to the International Register of Losses.

First, the damage, loss or damage must have occurred on or after February 24, 2022.

Secondly, damages, losses or damage are caused on the territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders.

Thirdly, damages, losses or damage must be the result of internationally illegal actions of the Russian Federation.

That is, the following 3 criteria must be present at the same time, and the person submitting the application must confirm compliance with these qualifying criteria.

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