Black hats and women
“Surprisingly worthy and incomprehensible God in his judgments, merciful and infinitely patient, just in punishment. From time immemorial, since the creation of this visible world, He has exalted some states and nations on the righteous scales of His providence, and humbles others for sins and iniquities, enslaves some - liberates others, exalts some - overthrows others.”
Thus begins the preamble to the world's first constitution, authorship of the Ukrainian hetman Pylyp Orlyk, written in 1570.
Needless to say, Pylyp Orlyk's personality has deserved an adventure tv series for a long time. His monument stands in the Swedish city of Kristianstad, among other things. And I won't even ask after whom the French Orly airport is named).
With that, in the context of my notes, Orlyk's opinion on the fate of individual peoples deserves attention. I will allow myself to quote just once a part of his preambula, so beloved by me. “He has exalted some states and nations on the righteous scales of His providence, and humbles others for sins and iniquities”.
The fact is that in Kyivan Rus’ there were two main forces in the political sense: the Kyivan boyars and the black hats. The black hats and the Kyiv boyars decided together to invite one or another prince to the service in Kyiv.(I hope the reader appreciated the grace of the transition to black hats, which I promised to talk about in my last note).
Moreover, all the military forces of Kуivan Rus’ consisted of three parts: the Kyivites, the prince's squad, and the black hats.
As you can easily see black hats are found almost everywhere. They play a significant role in politics and make up a significant part of the army of Kyivan Rus’. But what can I say, even the chronicles call Kyivan Rus’ itself as "All Rus’ land and black hats."
Let’s mentally move 2220 km from Kyiv to the shores of the Aral Sea. Here we will find a people numbering 620,000 thousand called Karakalpaks. The name "Karakalpak'' comes from two words: qara meaning "black" and qalpaq meaning "hat". Black hats?! Right!
You need to know that the Black Caps were a union of the Turkic clans. They were in the service of the Kyivan princes and lived near the modern Ukrainian city - White Church.
After the conquest of Kyiv by the Mongols, the Black hats were resettled to the shores of the Aral Sea.
This is how the black hats found themselves far from their place of residence and without their state. At the same time, Ukrainians finally achieved independence and now make up to 41 million people.
P.S. In the next note, I will talk in more detail about the White Church, old age and the women (where to go without them).
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