
Sunday, May 31, 2020

Happy birthday, Kyiv!

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Моніторінг законодавства №22

Back to Basics: Ukraine, Revisionism, and Russophobia

Former top diplomat Mogherini takes over EU college

More than 100,000 people in the U.S. have died from the new coronavirus

Forget About a ‘New’ Cold War. The Old One Never Ended.

A history of resistance: key dates in Hong Kong's battle with China

Govt approves memo with Louisiana Natural Gas Exports on possible LNG shipments from U.S. to Ukraine

Ukraine confirms 321 coronavirus cases in past 24 hours

Zelensky approves Ukraine-NATO program for 2020

Europe's moment: Repair and prepare for the next generation

Today, the European Commission has put forward its proposal for a major recovery plan. To ensure the recovery is sustainable, even, inclusive and fair for all Member States, the European Commission is proposing to create new recovery instrument, Next Generation EU, embedded within a powerful, modern and revamped long-term EU budget. The Commission has also unveiled its adjusted Work Programme for 2020, which will prioritise the actions needed to propel Europe's recovery and resilience.

Росія пішла в наступ. Донбас "звільнятимуть" від українців

Monday, May 25, 2020

Здійснення переказів без відкриття рахунка на суму, що дорівнює чи перевищує 30 тисяч гривень

Належна перевірка

У разі здійснення переказів (у тому числі міжнародних) без відкриття рахунка на суму, що дорівнює чи перевищує 30 тисяч гривень, або суму, еквівалентну зазначеній сумі, у тому числі в іноземній валюті, банківських металах, інших активах, одиницях вартості, суб’єктом первинного фінансового моніторингу здійснюється належна перевірка клієнта.
Належна перевірка клієнта здійснюється також у випадку проведення фінансової операції з віртуальними активами на суму, що дорівнює чи перевищує 30 тисяч гривень.

Reinforcing Europe's resilience: halting biodiversity loss and building a healthy and sustainable food system

Today, the European Commission adopted a comprehensive new Biodiversity Strategy to bring nature back into our lives and a Farm to Fork Strategy for a fair, healthy and environmentally friendly food system. The two strategies are mutually reinforcing, bringing together nature, farmers, business and consumers for jointly working towards a competitively sustainable future.
In line with the European Green Deal, they propose ambitious EU actions and commitments to halt biodiversity loss in Europe and worldwide and transform our food systems into global standards for competitive sustainability, the protection of human and planetary health, as well as the livelihoods of all actors in the food value chain.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Hertz files for U.S. bankruptcy protection as car rentals evaporate in pandemic

Business In Social Networks: Legal Features And Taxation In Ukraine.

Tetyana Antoniuk, Oleksandra Buhrina,  EO-204i, KNEU


All those who are striving for the successful development of their business today cannot ignore interaction with social networks. Their popularity is so great that there is hardly no better advertising platform for promoting goods or services.
Social networks for business can become an indispensable assistant if they are used correctly.
The purpose of our study is to show the reasons for the popularity of doing business on social networks, analyze the main advantages and disadvantages, tell what are the types of earnings online and how are they regulated (legal aspects).

Thursday, May 21, 2020

ПУТИН СТАВИТ УЛЬТИМАТУМ ЗЕЛЕНСКОМУ. Зачем Кремль воюет с Меджлисом, Лену...

Росія виходить з Мінського процесу. Путін наказав збільшити втрати украї...

Евросоюз обрезал Северные потоки, а ВВП России рухнул на 28%

'This is the end of Hong Kong': China pushes controversial security laws

On the Treaty on Open Skies - United States Department of State

Корчинський - Гордон, Гіркін, Поклонська няш мяш інтерв’ю. Згадати все -...

United States allocates additional $1 mln to support Ukraine’s response to COVID-19

Ukrainians celebrate Vyshyvanka Day

U.S. Supreme Court blocks disclosure of Russia report material

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Коментар МЗС України у зв'язку із заявами Департаменту інформації та преси МЗС РФ щодо річниці вступу на посаду Президента України Володимира Зеленського

Government endorses a decision to relax quarantine from May 22 | Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine

U.S. arrests former Green Beret Michael Taylor and his son, Peter, in connection with Carlos Ghosn’s escape from Japan

Крах энергетической империи РФ. Газпрому - конец, Роснефть - Китаю, внеш...

3 I Wanna Will My Love To You , Carey Bell

"Украина должна покаяться!" Реакция сливных бачков на год президенства З...

Monday, May 18, 2020

Зеленский бьёт рекорды. Гордон зашкварился и счастлив

Моніторінг законодавства №21

Ukraine confirms 18,616 cases of coronavirus

U.S. calls on Russia to immediately return full control of Crimea to Ukraine

‼️Партія «Європейська Солідарність» вимагає від СБУ негайно порушити справу за фактом розпалювання ворожнечі, підтримки тероризму та підриву суверенітету країни блогером Дмитром Гордоном.

FM Kuleba: Ukraine to coordinate process of opening borders with European partners

Outsourcing: the essence and features of implementation in Ukraine (II)

Outsourcing: the essence and features of implementation in Ukraine
Tania Stohniichuk, 110i, KNEU


The world economy and business are endlessly evolving, inventing new forms and methods of organizing business processes. As a result, there is a fundamentally new method of doing business – Outsourcing. Outsourcing in the Ukrainian economy is a relatively young concept, while Western and European business is successfully practicing this type of activity.
By involving outsourcing companies in cooperation, the customer company attracts external resources, highly professional staff, information resources, experience in providing services of narrow specialization, such as: IT-service, accounting services, sales, etc. In fact, outsourcing is profitable to involve in absolutely all industries. So, let’s start with the understanding what outsourcing is.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Outsourcing: the essence and features of implementation in Ukraine.

Outsourcing: the essence and features of implementation in Ukraine.
Maxim Levichev, 110i, KNEU

Outsourcing’s nature

Understanding phenomenon of outsourcing and its influence and role in business in Ukraine should be started from defining what Outsourcing is in its nature.
Outsourcing is the business practice of hiring a party outside a company to perform services and create goods that traditionally were performed in-house by the company’s own employees and staff. Outsourcing is a practice usually undertaken by companies as a cost-cutting measure. As such, it can affect a wide range of jobs, ranging from customer support to manufacturing to the back office.

Crimea after six years of Russian occupation: fear, human rights abuses and absence of freedom

Half of heads of Ukrainian customs fired

Ukraine reports 528 new coronavirus cases, bringing total to 17,858

EU can safely rescue summer season in Europe

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Саакашвили готовили на место Авакова

Roger Stone Judge Orders White House to Turn Over Ukraine Emails Being Withheld from the Public

Три Богатирі і Московські Побрехеньки

Hungary’s emergency measures: MEPs ask EU to impose sanctions and stop payments

Агата Київська - донька Ярослава Мудрого, дружина короля Англії Едварда Вигнанця, мати Св. Маргарити королеви Шотландії

The European Commission has threatened the U.K. with a lawsuit over what it called breaches of the bloc’s rules on the free movement of people

IKEA launches online store with points of delivery in Ukraine

The Swedish company IKEA, the world's largest retailer of furniture and household goods, on May 14 officially launched the possibility of ordering goods from an online store in Ukraine, distribution points will operate in the Kyiv shopping center Auchan Rive Gauche and Metro Cash & Carry.

"Remaining faithful to its desire to create a better everyday life for many people in Ukraine, IKEA is pleased to announce the start of work in the Ukrainian market and the launch of an online store. Currently, the Swedish retailer offers Ukrainian customers about 3,600 functional home goods of all categories and styles with attractive design and prices. An order can be made on the website," the retailer said in an official statement.

Права громадян в умовах надзвичайного і воєнного стану

Софія Абраменко, ЕО101з, КНЕУ


Під час останніх подій, люди із різних професій, різних куточків України зіштовхуються з проблемами пандемії, яка має місце, вже без перебільшення, у кожному домі. Кожна родина за ці місяці з початку світової трагедії відчула наслідки поширення вірусу.
Багато людей вперше за своє життя чують такі терміни як надзвичайний стан та надзвичайна ситуація. Важливо розуміти різницю між цими поняттями та вміти розрізнити наслідки таких дій із боку держави.
Треба знати, коли може бути введено воєнний чи надзвичайний стан, які обмеження, а також обов’язки додаються у житті людей, насамперед, тому, що торкнутися це може всіх у випадку, якщо таке трапиться.

Verkhovna Rada supports extension of sanctions against Russian social networks in Ukraine


Thursday, May 7, 2020

Повестка дня в "бункере". Беседа с Андреем Пионтковским и Валерием Солов...

Russia Investigation Transcripts and Documents

Где выход из бесконечного тупика. Беседа с экс-министром иностранных дел...

Моніторінг законодавства №20


Valeriia Vyslinska, IE, group 110i, KNEU


Do you know what blogs are? A blog is an online journal or informational website displaying information in the reverse chronological order, with the latest posts appearing first. It is a platform where a writer or even a group of writers share their views on an individual subject.
There are many reasons to start a blog for personal use and only a handful of strong ones for business blogging. Blogging for business, projects, or anything else that might bring you money has a very straightforward purpose – to rank your website higher in Google SERPs, a.k.a. increase your visibility.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Artificial Intelligence and Law

Zrazhevskyi Mykhailo & Tykhenko Dariia, EO-204i, KNEU

What is AI?

To understand the relationship between artificial intelligence and law, first of all let’s define what artificial intelligence is. What is AI?
There are many ways to answer this question, but one place to begin is to consider the types of problems that AI technology is often used to address. In that spirit, we might describe AI as using technology to automate tasks that “normally require human intelligence.”

Friday, May 1, 2020

Trump to nominate retired general to be U.S. ambassador to Ukraine

Илларионов: Модификацию коронавируса в Ухане США прекратили финансироват...

Outsourcing: the essence and features of implementation in Ukraine

Outsourcing: the essence and features of implementation in Ukraine
Anastasia Horbenko, МЕ-110і, KNEU

1. Definition of outsourcing; 
2.History of outsourcing; 
3.Outsourcing in Ukraine; 
4.What areas of outsourcing are most in demand in Ukraine; 
5.Is it difficult to develop outsourcing in Ukraine?; 
7.Pros and contros of outsourcing development to Ukraine; 
8.TOP-3 outsourcing companies of Ukraine; 
9.Bright future of IT outsourcing; 


(eng. Outsourcing: out – external, outside, source– source) – a concept that is firmly included in our everyday life, means a set of measures aimed at transferring by an enterprise certain processes and functions of another organization that professionally specializes in the field of tasks .