
Monday, March 30, 2020

Text of a Notice on the Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Significant Malicious Cyber-Enabled Activities

On April 1, 2015, by Executive Order 13694, the President declared a national emergency pursuant to the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) to deal with the unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States constituted by the increasing prevalence and severity of malicious cyber‑enabled activities originating from, or directed by persons located, in whole or in substantial part, outside the United States.  On December 28, 2016, the President issued Executive Order 13757 to take additional steps to address the national emergency declared in Executive Order 13694.

No lockdown, no quarantines, just voluntary advice and a big dose of hope.

Ukrainian parliament lifts longstanding moratorium of farmland sales

Право інтелектуальної власності на торговельну марку

Дмитро Трегуб, ЮЛ-101, КНЕУ 

В умовах сьогодення діяльність із надання послуг, реалізації продукції неможливо уявити без використання торгови хмарок, які дають змогу відокремити продукцію одних суб’єктів господарювання від інших. Одним із головних складників нацiонального багатства України є iнтелектуальна власнiсть, яка сприяє розвитку економiки i науки. З підвищенням значущості інформації інтелектуальна власність стала стверджуватися як один із найважливіших інтелектуальних ресурсів господарської діяльності суспільства. Завдяки бурхливому розвитку наукової, технічної і художньої творчості, інтернаціоналізації господарських зв’язків інтелектуальна власність стала таким самим об’єктом прававласності, як і засоби виробництва.

E-commerce and Law

Andrey Pigulko, 111i, KNEU

Today, the world have shifts of emphasis from the communication and information retrieval functions of the Internet to its implementation with the help of modern business. This is due to the ability of network technologies to radically change the way people and companies interact, research methods, sales and more. Not only does the Internet provide rapid “roll-out” of network, business, but also changes competition in most traditional sectors of the economy, such as media information, telecommunications, financial services, transportation, education and more.
In order to determine the organizational and legal foundations of activity in the field of e-commerce, to establish the procedure for committing electronic transactions using information and telecommunication systems, the Parliament adopted the main normative document in this area – Law of Ukraine “On E-commerce”.

U.S., Russia agree to oil market talks as Trump calls price war 'crazy'

Зеленский победил Коломойского. Тимошенко сбросила маску

Cabinet of Ministers updates macroeconomic forecast for 2020

In light of current global trends and the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Government revised the forecast of Ukraine's economic and social development for 2020.
The major changes in the outlook are the result of a recession in the global economy and the introduction of large-scale measures to contain and combat COVID-19, both in Ukraine and in most countries.
As a result, Ukraine's GDP forecast for the current year has been revised – the GDP growth is expected to fall by 3.9% compared to a 3.7% increase previously projected before the global crisis. The unemployment rate will make up 9.4% against the projected 8.1%, and the fall in real wages will be 0.3%.

Ukraine confirms 480 coronavirus cases, including 11 deaths

Syvokho dismissed from post of adviser to NSDC secretary

Formation of Consultative Council as part of Trilateral Contact Group suspended

EU-Vietnam: Council gives final green light to free trade agreement

The Council today adopted a decision on the conclusion of a free trade agreement (FTA) between the EU and Vietnam. This decision clears the path, on the EU side, for the entry into force of the agreement.
Once the Vietnamese National Assembly also ratifies the FTA, the agreement can enter into force, most likely in early summer 2020.

Disinformation: how to recognise and tackle Covid-19 myths

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Спіймати Єрмака? Хто вів запис розмов брата керівника ОП і хто там ще фігурує – «Схеми»

Пленки Гео Лероса. Темного рыцаря разоблачили

Гончаренко онлайн: земля для мвф, бюджет и эпидемия, коррупционный сканд...

Ukraine's #grain #exports have reached 45 million tons since the beginning of the 19/20 MY, 8.6 million tons more y-o-y. #Ukraine exported 17 million tons of wheat, 22.7 million tons of corn and 4 million tons of barley.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Understanding the Economic Shock of Coronavirus

Арестович: Коронавирус, политика и последствия. FB-live 27.03.20

Ахметов идет на шантаж

Ukraine stops cross-border passenger traffic

Ukraine confirms 311 coronavirus cases

Боплан Г.Л. Опис України… (PDF)

Гійом Левассер де БОПЛАН
(Г. Л. де Боплан. Опис України. Пер. з фр. Я.І.Кравця, З.П.Борисюк. Київ, 1990.)

Friday, March 27, 2020

Our new video from the series "A guide to Russian propaganda" is here and it's about the top-secret Soviet technique of Reflexive Control, the art of manipulating your victims into making self-defeating decisions - all under the radar

Звернення бізнес-асоціацій до Верховної Ради України

Шановні депутати Верховної Ради України!

Руйнівний вплив гострої респіраторної хвороби COVID-19, спричиненої коронавірусом SARS-CoV-2, в світі безпрецедентний.

Підтверджені на сьогодні випадки нараховують інфікування майже 550 000 людей, із більш ніж 24 000 летальними випадками у 199 країнах і територіях по всьому світу.

Kyiv's court rules to arrest Kozhara under murder cases with possibility of posting bail

Ukraine, Turkey to make joint efforts to maintain trade and support economies

Ukraine confirms 218 coronavirus cases – Health Ministry

Italian Government Amends List of Essential Activities Annexed to the D.P.C.M.

International Economic Law & COVID-19

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Contract Killers: Coronavirus and “Act of God” Provisions

Business Angels as investors: organizational and legal aspects

Andriichuk Liza, 111-i, KNEU

To begin with, who is a business angel? Is that actually legal and if yes, then which documents are needed? What about business angels in Ukraine?
Business angel is a wealthy, private investor, who provide capital for young companies at the start-up phase or during a level of expansion. Unlike venture capitalists – whose money is often pooled by investment firms – business angels usually invest their own funds.

The Hunt - Official Trailer [HD]

Lawrence Freedman: “If you let you down too much, you can have expansion by stealth”

Ukraine to sue Russia in int'l courts after Ukrainians in Crimea banned from owning land plots

Ukraine calls on global community to tighten sanctions over Putin’s decree on land in Crimea

G7 ministers speak about holding Russia accountable for aggression in Ukraine

Ukraine confirms 156 coronavirus cases

ДЕФОЛТ? Как ЗЕЛЕНСКИЙ доводит украинскую экономику? (Что делать? Реальны...

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Права громадян в умовах надзвичайного і воєнного стану

Володимир Псаревський, МЕ-101з, КНЕУ

Станом на 25.03.2020 р. світом поширюється пандемія гострої респіраторної хвороби COVID-19, в народі називають ще коронавірусом. І в більшості країн світу введений надзвичайний стан.
Якщо коротко про коронавірусну інфекцію COVID-19 – це потенційно важка гостра респіраторна інфекція, що викликається коронавірусом SARS-CoV-2 . Являє собою небезпечне захворювання, яке може протікати як у формі гострої респіраторної вірусної інфекції легкого перебігу, так і у важкій формі, специфічні ускладнення якої можуть включати вірусну пневмонію, яка спричиняє гострий респіраторний дистрес-синдром або дихальну недостатність з ризиком смерті.

К Украине применяют классику учебников КГБ, - Илларионов

Putin has signed a decree banning Ukrainians from owning land in Russian-occupied Crimea.

#AN225 performs test flights after modernization. In particular, the Ukrainian-made power plant control system was installed on the aircraft

Government introduced emergency situation regime in entire territory of Ukraine

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has introduced a 30-day emergency situation regime in the entire territory of Ukraine until April 24, 2020. The relevant decision was approved today at a Government meeting.
“The Government is guided by a defined blueprint to combat the spread of coronavirus infection. And today's decision is approved due to the fact that cases of COVID-19 have already been confirmed in 13 regions and Kyiv,” the Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal stressed.

На них коронавирус прилетел в Киев: как лечатся миллионеры из Куршевеля в инфекционных боксах Александровки

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Coronavirus: EU countries to get help from Solidarity Fund

The European Parliament is mobilising additional funds to help the EU countries hardest hit by the coronavirus pandemic.

In an extraordinary plenary session on Thursday 26 March, MEPs will vote on a European Commission proposal to allow member states to request financial assistance from the EU Solidarity Fund in their fight against Covid-19. The proposal is part of a set of EU measures to mobilise all existing budget resources to help EU countries tackle the pandemic.

The Commission proposes to broaden the Solidarity Fund’s scope to add major public health crises to the natural emergencies initially covered.

Працевлаштування молоді у сучасному суспільстві (організаційно-правові аспекти)

Валентин Крохмальний, ЮЛ-101, КНЕУ

В умовах сьогодення, як ніколи актуальним постає розгляд проблематики працевлаштування молоді в Україні, адже проблема реалізації права молоді на працю в умовах глобалізації світової економіки є надзвичайно актуальною для української спільноти в цілому.
На даному етапі розвитку українського суспільства працевлаштування молодого покоління бентежить усіх громадян України, адже саме в контексті розгляду даного питання постає розгляд проблеми, що стосується зіткнення інтересів зацікавлених сторін в особі робітників, роботодавців та держави.

"Зеленський, не зраджуйте Україну!" Який шлях обере Зе-команда?

Ukrainians on quarantine in California: wave of volunteering, harsh punishment for sanitizer speculators, and long lines to gun shops

No coronavirus cases recorded in Ukraine Armed Forces

Ukraine will continue fulfilling its obligations to creditors in full

Derkach invites Biden to testify in Ukrainian court via videoconference

Ukraine confirms 97 coronavirus cases – Health Ministry

Monday, March 23, 2020

Обращение Гончаренко к Зеленскому: Даже не думай.ТЕ вводить диктатуру!

Artificial Intelligence and Law

Anisia Tatarintseva, 110i, KNEU


Of all the jobs robots might one day take over, there are some that have always seemed off limits. For example, artificial intelligence could never gain the creativity to be an artist or a musician (except it has), learn the human emotions necessary to write comedy (sorry, that too), or possess the analytical thinking you need to become a lawyer. Well, every one of those has proven to be false. In fact, AI has been helping humans with their minor legal inconveniences for several years now. It’s only going to get more advanced from here.

Corporate legal relations in Ukraine: definition, elements and regulation

Written by Yulia Podkovko, 111i, KNEU

Corporate relations in Ukraine are developing quite quickly, thereby becoming more complicated, and accordingly require a proper settlement. The purpose of this essay is to get acquainted with the concept, the main elements of corporate legal relations, their development in the legal sphere in Ukraine.

The procedure for employment of non-residents in Ukraine

Done by Levchenko Ivanna, ME110i, KNEU

Today, more and more Ukrainian employers are attracting foreign professionals to their companies. Over the past 10 years, legislation in the field of obtaining work permits for foreigners in Ukraine has undergone significant changes. Today, the provisions of current regulations have really simplified the procedure for obtaining such a permit for both employers and foreigners. Unfortunately, some gaps and inconsistencies still exist.
According to Article 43 of the Constitution of Ukraine, everyone has the right to work, which includes the opportunity to earn a living by work which he freely chooses or agrees freely.

Donetsk, Ternopil and Cherkasy regions see the introduction of the emergency situation

At its meeting on March 23, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decided to establish an emergency situation in Donetsk, Ternopil and Cherkasy regions. The decision was taken to prevent the spread of COVID-19 acute respiratory disease in the aforesaid regions. The relevant decisions have been adopted previously by the Regional Committees on Technogenic and Environmental Safety and Emergencies.
There have been currently introduced the emergency situation in 9 regions. The heads of these regional state administrations have been commissioned with coordinating of the respective measures.

Ukraine confirms 73 coronavirus cases

The tests conducted by the virus reference laboratory of the Public Health Centre of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the regional laboratory centers have confirmed 73 COVID-19 cases in Ukraine.
As the Public Health Centre posted on Facebook, coronavirus cases have been already confirmed in: Dnipropetrovsk region - 2 cases; Donetsk region - 1 case; Zhytomyr region - 2 cases (1 lethal); Ivano-Frankivsk region - 5 cases (1 lethal), including 3 cases confirmed in last 24 hours; Kyiv city - 29 cases, including 20 cases confirmed in last 24 hours; Kyiv region - 5 cases, including 1 case confirmed in last 24 hours; Lviv region - 2 cases, including 1 case confirmed in last 24 hours; Ternopil region - 1 case; Chernivtsi region - 25 cases (1 lethal, 1 recovery); Cherkasy region – 1 case confirmed in last 24 hours.

MH17 trial: Hearing lasts less than hour, next scheduled for June 8

Coronavirus: Commission presents practical guidance to ensure continuous flow of goods across EU via green lanes

Today, the Commission issued new practical advice on how to implement its Guidelines for border management, in order to keep freight moving across the EU during the current pandemic. To ensure that EU-wide supply chains continue to operate, Member States are requested to designate, without delay, all the relevant internal border-crossing points on the trans-European transport network (TEN-T) as ‘green lane' border crossings. The green lane border crossings should be open to all freight vehicles, whatever goods they are carrying. Crossing the border, including any checks and health screening, should not take more than 15 minutes.

23.03.2020 Прес-брифінг Віталія Кличка

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Єрмак і його новий мерседес за три мільйони. Кінець епохи бідності – СТЕ...

Forty Martyrs of Sebaste

Winter arrives in Kyiv.

Безпека та відповідальність: Інструкція від МЗС України та МОЗ України для тих, хто повертається з-за кордону

Кожен громадянин України, який повертається з країни, де були зафіксовані випадки COVID-19, має пройти необхідні контрольні процедури при перетині кордону. Не менш важливо уважно стежити за станом свого здоров’я, адже ваша відповідальна поведінка може захистити життя сотень людей.
Закликаємо кожного громадянина України, який повертається з-за кордону:

Saturday, March 21, 2020

State aid: Commission adopts Temporary Framework to enable Member States to further support the economy in the COVID-19 outbreak

The European Commission has adopted a Temporary Framework to enable Member States to use the full flexibility foreseen under State aid rules to support the economy in the context of the COVID-19 outbreak. Together with many other support measures that can be used by Member States under the existing State aid rules, the Temporary Framework enables Member States to ensure that sufficient liquidity remains available to businesses of all types and to preserve the continuity of economic activity during and after the COVID-19 outbreak.
Executive Vice President Margrethe Vestager, in charge of competition policy, said: “The economic impact of the COVID-19 outbreak is severe. We need to act fast to manage the impact as much as we can. And we need to act in a coordinated manner. This new Temporary Framework enables Member States to use the full flexibility foreseen under State aid rules to support the economy at this difficult time.”

Turkey imposes partial curfew for citizens older than 65

Portugal: What is open under the state of emergency?

The new Government diploma that regulates the state of emergency decreed by the President of the Republic due to the covid-19 pandemic indicates the activities and establishments that may continue to function.

See below a list of activities and establishments that “provide basic necessities or other essential goods” and that may continue to function as of the entry into force of the Government decree, at 00:00 on Sunday:

(These activities and establishments can be open, even if they are integrated in shopping centers)

Klitschko: Public transport in Kyiv to be suspended on Monday

From Monday, March 23, Kyiv public transport will be available only for medical workers, rescuers, law enforcement officers, utility service workers, the staff of groceries and pharmacies.
"Amid the rapid spread of coronavirus, we need to take more effective measures to limit social contacts in our city. That is why, on Monday, March 23, the capital’s public transport will carry only those passengers who go to work at critical enterprises of our city - medical workers, rescuers, law enforcement officers, utility service workers, the staff of groceries and pharmacies,” Kyiv City Mayor Vitaliy Klitschko said in his video address on March 21, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.
Restrictions on the operation of public transport will not apply to personal vehicles.

Grace of the empire What is Ukraine’s place in the rhetoric of Russian media and how to decipher their hidden messages?

Online education in a time of crisis


Kuala Lumpur

THE recent directive by the Higher Education Ministry to suspend all face-to-face exams and classes as well as online lessons has been met with questions and even defiance from private universities. Those who question the directive have some legitimate issues, but I am afraid those defying it are also trapped in a “traditional classroom construct” in understanding what online education in a time of “emergency” may mean.

It is a fact that most public and private universities are ill prepared for online learning because of their “comfort zone” of doing things in the same way. Now that the Covid-19 emergency situation has come up, many think that online learning is easy and you just need an Internet connection. Well, that is completely not so on the ground.

Coronavirus lockdowns: Here are highlights of the orders in the largest states

I'm enjoying Albert Castiglia - Living the Dream on the #Blues channel @JazzRadioNow

Ця влада має піти. Чим швидше — тим краще для України

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Ukraine’s Broken Government Scares Off Investors

A new Prosecutor in Ukraine - another one - what to expect?:

After lobbying from U.S. oil companies, the Trump administration is weighing diplomatic intervention to end the Saudi-Russia standoff on production

Future EU-UK relations: EU is offering ‘cooperation of an unprecedented nature’

State Department to tell Americans not to travel overseas

How High-Performing Companies Develop and Scale AI

Cabinet introduces U.S. citizen Bensh to Naftogaz supervisory board

Kyiv rises 22 places in ranking of world’s most expensive cities - The Economist

NATO continues to increase its presence in Black Sea region – Stoltenberg

Turkey shuts Greece, Bulgaria land borders to passengers - Turkey News

Коронавірус вже у Раді, а Аваков хоче проводити обшуки без рішення суду ...

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Miles Davis - All Blues (Audio)

Козак Мамай. Найбільша таємниця України

Що не так з новим генпрокурором Венедіктовою та до чого тут Аваков? – С...

Шмыгаль предложил забрать у Рады исключительное право вводить чрезвычайное положение

Coronavirus and the State of Emergency: Restrictions and Safeguards for Citizens Rights in the Special Period

Alla Kostovetska, Yana Yuzkova, KNEU

Coronaviruses are a group of related viruses that cause diseases in mammals and birds. In humans, coronaviruses cause respiratory tract infections that can be mild, such as some cases of the common cold (among other possible causes), and others that can be lethal, such as SARS, MERS, and COVID-19. Symptoms in other species vary: in chickens, they cause an upper respiratory tract disease, while in cows and pigs they cause diarrhea.

Eastern Partnership: Commission proposes new policy objectives for beyond 2020

Today, the European Commission and the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy have put forward a proposal for the long-term policy objectives of the Eastern Partnership beyond 2020. These aim at increasing trade, strengthening connectivity and deepening economic integration with ArmeniaAzerbaijanBelarusGeorgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine, strengthening democratic institutions, the rule of law, environmental and climate resilience, supporting the digital transformation, and promoting fair and inclusive societies.
High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell said: “Our neighbours' strength is also the European Union's strength; the Eastern Partnership remains a crucial element of the EU's foreign policy. Our proposals will further strengthen our six partner countries, reflecting the priorities and challenges that we share, while maintaining the emphasis on delivering tangible, positive results for all citizens.

COVID-19: Commission provides guidance on EU passenger rights

In our efforts to mitigate the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Commission has today published guidelines to ensure EU passenger rights are applied in a coherent manner across the EU.
National governments have introduced different measures, including travel restrictions and border controls. The purpose of these guidelines is to reassure passengers that their rights are protected.
Commissioner for Transport Adina Vălean said: “In light of the mass cancellations and delays passengers and transport operators face due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Commission wants to provide legal certainty on how to apply EU passenger rights. In case of cancellations the transport provider must reimburse or re-route the passengers. If passengers themselves decide to cancel their journeys, reimbursement of the ticket depends on its type, and companies may offer vouchers for subsequent use. Today's guidelines will provide much-needed legal certainty on how to apply EU passenger rights in a coordinated manner across our Union. We continue to monitor the rapidly evolving situation, and, if need be, further steps will be taken.”

Russia deploying coronavirus disinformation to sow panic in West,...

Rights of females in Ukraine

Alla Kostovetska, KNEU

Women’s rights in Ukrainian society are equal to men’s constitutional rights in the economic, political, cultural and social spheres, as well as in the family. However, Ukrainian women suffer from gender inequality: for example, they receive lower wages than men and have limited opportunities for promotion; more than 45% of the population of Ukraine suffer from violence – physical, sexual or psychological and most of them are women.
Movement for rights

Monday, March 16, 2020

It's Quarantine day 6

Turkey: Press Release Regarding the Sixth Anniversary of The Illegal Annexation of Crimea

Declaration by the High Representative Josep Borrell-Fontelles, on behalf of the European Union, on the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol

Six years on from the illegal annexation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol by the Russian Federation, the European Union remains steadfast in its commitment to Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity.
The European Union reiterates that it does not recognise and continues to condemn this violation of international law. It remains a direct challenge to international security, with grave implications for the international legal order that protects the territorial integrity, unity and sovereignty of all States.
The European Union remains committed to fully implementing its non-recognition policy, including through restrictive measures. The European Union calls again on UN Member States to consider similar non-recognition measures in line with the UN General Assembly Resolution 68/262. The European Union does not and will not recognise the holding of elections by the Russian Federation in the Crimean peninsula.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Гончаренко онлайн: капитуляция ЗЕрмака, коронавирус, Вакарчук, Медведчук...

EchoMSK: Не допустить антиконституционного переворота. Обращение ученых, писателей и журналистов к согражданам

Cybercrime of the future today: Ransomware Attacks

Mariia Mazokha, Polina Fitsak, IE, group 110i, KNEU

Cybercrime of the future today: Ransomware Attacks
It is an undeniable fact that cybercrime and, in particular, ransomware attacks are a real threat to network users. At the same time, the main threat is that not only regular users of the network are harmed, but also large companies whose activities are impossible without modern technology, computers and data storage on the Internet. This has interested us as researchers, so in the process of writing, based on the analysis of available materials, we identified the main types of virus and investigated the measures that should be taken in case you are the victim of an attack, as well as the measures taken by the government to protect citizens from cyber-fraud.
The purpose of the given work is to carry out the research of the given type of a computer virus, spheres of its influence, the most scale cases of application of the given program and definition of methods of protection against similar threats.

Зеркаль прокоментувала домовленості України з Росією у Мінську

Эпидемии каких сюрпризов ждать от инфекций - Гиперион

Communicating Through the Coronavirus Crisis

The coronavirus epidemic seemed far away for me until last week. Then came news reports about someone infected in New Hampshire. Rumors started to spread, closely followed by questions: How can we find out more information? Should we send the kids to school? The next day, we discovered in both the local and national news that the infected person, a resident at our local hospital, had attended a party with students from the Tuck School, where I teach, bringing the crisis right to my office door. Classes and events were canceled and all international travel was suspended for the university. My mind was racing. Should I go in to work? Is it OK to buy lunch here? Are we prepared to quarantine at home? How long will this go on?
In fast-moving and uncertain situations, many leaders face questions they may not even have answers to. As someone who studies crisis communication, I regularly tell my students and clients that you need to communicate early and often with your key constituencies throughout a crisis. Even if you’re still trying to understand the extent of the problem, be honest and open to maintain credibility. Approach the situation with empathy. Put yourself in your constituents’ shoes to understand their anxiety. You will sometimes get it right, and you will often get it wrong, but it is still better to be as transparent as you can.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

2019 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices: Ukraine

Read a Section: Ukraine

Note: Except where otherwise noted, references in this report do not include areas controlled by Russia-led forces in the Donbas region of eastern Ukraine or Russian-occupied Crimea. At the end of this report is a section listing abuses in Russian-occupied Crimea.

Executive Summary

Ukraine is a republic with a semipresidential political system composed of three branches of government: a unicameral legislature (Verkhovna Rada); an executive led by a directly elected president who is head of state and commander in chief, and a prime minister who is chosen through a legislative majority and as head of government leads the Cabinet of Ministers; and a judiciary. On April 21, Volodymyr Zelenskyy was elected president in an election considered free and fair by international and domestic observers. On July 21, the country held early parliamentary elections that observers also considered free and fair.