Thursday, December 1, 2016

Equal rights for women: EU ambassador speaks for gender equality

Head of the EU Delegation to Ukraine Hugues Mingarelli spoke today at the Verkhovna Rada and Council of Europe conference on the equal participation of women in the EU Eastern Partnership countries. 

The conference was supported by the EU Programmatic Cooperation Framework with the Council of Europe. The participants included the chairperson of the subcommittee on gender equality of Verkhovna Rada, Vice-Minister of Social Policy of Ukraine, Parliament Members from other Eastern Partnership countries.

Ambassador Mingarelli underlined that open and democratic society cannot exist without gender equality, it is therefore in the heart of the EU relations with Eastern Partnership countries. The EU is willing to share its experience in addressing common challenge of underrepresentation of women in political and economic life.

Ambassador Mingarelli condemned the violence against women, the most pronounced expression of the uneven balance of power between women and men. He referred to the Istanbul Convention on violence against women that represents a very valuable legal and policy framework to effectively combat violence against women at national level.

Head of the EU Delegation welcomed the efforts that have been made by the Ukrainian government to increase the role of women in politics such as the gender quota introduced before the local elections and the reform of financing of political parties that after the next elections will award those parties with additional funding that have more balanced representation of women and men among their elected Members of Parliament. Mingarelli encouraged Ukraine to enforce those important measures in order to address the challenge of low level of representation of women in political life.

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