M.B. Tinzmann, B.F. Jones, T.F. Fennimore, J. Bakker, C. Fine, and J. Pierce
NCREL, Oak Brook, 1990
New Learning
and Thinking Curricula Require Collaboration
In Guidebook 1, we explored a "new" vision of learning
and suggested four characteristics of successful learners: They are
knowledgeable, self-determined strategic, and empathetic thinkers. Research
indicates successful learning also involves an interaction of the learner, the
materials, the teacher, and the context. Applying this research, new guidelines
in the major content areas stress thinking.
Guidebook 2 describes these new guidelines and provides four
characteristics of "a thinking curriculum" that cut across content
areas. The chief characteristic of a thinking curriculum is the dual agenda of
content and process for all students. Characteristics that derive from this
agenda include in-depth learning; involving students in real-world, relevant
tasks; engaging students in holistic tasks from kindergarten through high school;
and utilizing students' prior knowledge.
Effective communication and collaboration are essential to becoming a
successful learner. It is primarily through dialogue and examining different
perspectives that students become knowledgeable, strategic, self-determined,
and empathetic. Moreover, involving students in real-world tasks and linking
new information to prior knowledge requires effective communication and
collaboration among teachers, students, and others. Indeed, it is through
dialogue and interaction that curriculum objectives come alive. Collaborative
learning affords students enormous advantages not available from more
traditional instruction because a group--whether it be the whole class or a
learning group within the class--can accomplish meaningful learning and solve
problems better than any individual can alone.
This focus on the collective knowledge and thinking of the group changes
the roles of students and teachers and the way they interact in the classroom.
Significantly, a groundswell of interest exists among practitioners to involve
students in collaboration in classrooms at all grade levels.
The purpose of this GuideBook is to elaborate what classroom collaboration means so
that this grass-roots movement can continue to grow and flourish. We will
describe characteristics of these classrooms and student and teacher roles,
summarize relevant research, address some issues related to changing
instruction, and give examples of a variety of teaching methods and practices
that embody these characteristics.
Characteristics of a Collaborative Classroom
Collaborative classrooms seem to have four general characteristics. The
first two capture changing relationships between teachers and students. The
third characterizes teachers' new approaches to instruction. The fourth
addresses the composition of a collaborative classroom.
1. Shared knowledge among teachers and
In traditional classrooms, the dominant metaphor for teaching is the
teacher as information giver; knowledge flows only one way from teacher to
student. In contrast, the metaphor for collaborative classrooms is shared
knowledge. The teacher has vital knowledge about content, skills, and
instruction, and still provides that information to students. However,
collaborative teachers also value and build upon the knowledge, personal
experiences, language, strategies, and culture that students bring to the
learning situation.
Consider a lesson on insect-eating plants, for example. Few students,
and perhaps few teachers, are likely to have direct knowledge about such
plants. Thus, when those students who do have relevant experiences are given an
opportunity to share them, the whole class is enriched. Moreover, when students
see that their experiences and knowledge are valued, they are motivated to
listen and learn in new ways, and they are more likely to make important
connections between their own learning and "school" learning. They
become empowered. This same phenomenon occurs when the knowledge parents and
other community members have is valued and used within the school.
Additionally, complex thinking about difficult problems, such as world
hunger, begs for multiple ideas about causes, implications, and potential
solutions. In fact, nearly all of the new curricular goals are of this nature--for
example, mathematical problem-solving--as are new requirements to teach topics
such as AIDS. They require multiple ways to represent and solve problems and
many perspectives on issues.
2. Shared authority among teachers and
In collaborative classrooms, teachers share authority with students in
very specific ways. In most traditional classrooms, the teacher is largely, if
not exclusively, responsible for setting goals, designing learning tasks, and
assessing what is learned.
Collaborative teachers differ in that they invite students to set
specific goals within the framework of what is being taught, provide options
for activities and assignments that capture different student interests and
goals, and encourage students to assess what they learn. Collaborative teachers
encourage students' use of their own knowledge, ensure that students share
their knowledge and their learning strategies, treat each other respectfully,
and focus on high levels of understanding. They help students listen to diverse
opinions, support knowledge claims with evidence, engage in critical and
creative thinking, and participate in open and meaningful dialogue.
Suppose, for example, the students have just read a chapter on colonial
America and are required to prepare a product on the topic. While a more
traditional teacher might ask all students to write a ten-page essay, the
collaborative teacher might ask students to define the product themselves. Some
could plan a videotape; some could dramatize events in colonial America; others
could investigate original sources that support or do not support the textbook
chapter and draw comparisons among them; and some could write a ten-page paper.
The point here is twofold: (1) students have opportunities to ask and
investigate questions of personal interest, and (2) they have a voice in the
decision-making process. These opportunities are essential for both
self-regulated learning and motivation.
3. Teachers as mediators
As knowledge and authority are shared among teachers and students, the
role of the teacher increasingly emphasizes mediated learning. Successful
mediation helps students connect new information to their experiences and to
learning in other areas, helps students figure out what to do when they are
stumped, and helps them learn how to learn. Above all, the teacher as mediator
adjusts the level of information and support so as to maximize the ability to
take responsibility for learning. This characteristic of collaborative
classrooms is so important, we devote a whole section to it below.
4. Heterogeneous groupings of students
The perspectives, experiences, and backgrounds of all students are
important for enriching learning in the classroom. As learning beyond the
classroom increasingly requires understanding diverse perspectives, it is
essential to provide students opportunities to do this in multiple contexts in
schools. In collaborative classrooms where students are engaged in a thinking
curriculum, everyone learns from everyone else, and no student is deprived of
this opportunity for making contributions and appreciating the contributions of
Thus, a critical characteristic of collaborative classrooms is that
students are not segregated according to supposed ability, achievement,
interests, or any other characteristic. Segregation seriously weakens
collaboration and impoverishes the classroom by depriving all students of
opportunities to learn from and with each other. Students we might label
unsuccessful in a traditional classroom learn from "brighter"
students, but, more importantly, the so-called brighter students have just as
much to learn from their more average peers. Teachers beginning to teach
collaboratively often express delight when they observe the insights revealed
by their supposedly weaker students.
Thus, shared knowledge and authority, mediated learning, and
heterogeneous groups of students are essential characteristics of collaborative
classrooms. These characteristics, which are elaborated below, necessitate new
roles for teachers and students that lead to interactions different from those
in more traditional classrooms.
Teacher Roles in a Collaborative Classroom
Across this nation, teachers are defining their roles in terms of
mediating learning through dialogue and collaboration. While mediation has been
defined in different ways by Reuven Feuerstein, Lev Vygotsky and others, we
define mediation here as facilitating, modeling, and coaching. Most teachers
engage in these practices from time to time. What is important here is that
these behaviors (1) drive instruction in collaborative classrooms, and (2) have
specific purposes in collaborative contexts.
Facilitator Facilitating involves creating rich environments and activities for
linking new information to prior knowledge, providing opportunities for
collaborative work and problem solving, and offering students a multiplicity of
authentic learning tasks. This may first involve attention to the physical
environment. For example, teachers move desks so that all students can see each
other, thus establishing a setting that promotes true discussion. Teacher may
also wish to move their desks from the front of the room to a less prominent
Additionally, teachers may structure the resources in the classroom to
provide a diversity of genres and perspectives, to use and build upon cultural
artifacts from the students' homes and communities, and to organize various
learning activities. Thus, a collaborative classroom often has a multiplicity of
projects or activity centers using everyday objects for representing numerical
information in meaningful ways and for conducting experiments that solve real
problems. These classrooms also boast a rich variety of magazines, journals,
newspapers, audiotapes, and videos which allow students to experience and use
diverse media for communicating ideas. In Video Conference 1, for example,
students were shown investigating science concepts using everyday materials,
such as paper and straw, found in their neighborhoods.
Facilitating in collaborative classrooms also involves people. Inside
the classroom, students are organized into heterogeneous groups with roles such
as Team Leader, Encourager, Reteller, Recorder, and Spokesperson. (See
Elizabeth Cohen's work for further elaboration.) Additionally, collaborative
teachers work to involve parents and community members. Examples are: A
workshop center in New York invites parents to come and experience the thinking
processes involved in conducting experiments using everyday objects so that
they can provide such learning experiences at home (Video Conference 1);
teachers in Tucson involve parents and the community in academic tasks their
students engage in (Video Conference 3), and rural students in Colorado perform
community services such as producing a local newspaper (Video Conference 5).
Another way that teachers facilitate collaborative learning is to
establish classrooms with diverse and flexible social structures that promote
the sort of classroom behavior they deem appropriate for communication and
collaboration among students. These structures are rules and standards of
behaviors, fulfilling several functions in group interaction, and influencing
group attitudes. Particular rules depend, of course, on the classroom context.
Thus, teachers often develop them collaboratively with students and review or
change them as needed. Examples of rules are giving all members a chance to
participate, valuing others' comments, and arguing against (or for) ideas
rather than people. Examples of group functions are: asking for information,
clarifying, summarizing, encouraging, and relieving tension. To facilitate high
quality group interaction, teachers may need to teach, and students may need to
practice, rules and functions for group interaction.
Finally, teachers facilitate collaborative learning by creating learning
tasks that encourage diversity, but which aim at high standards of performance
for all students. These tasks involve students in high-level thought processes
such as decision making and problem solving that are best accomplished in
collaboration. These tasks enable students to make connections to real-world
objects, events, and situations in their own and an expanded world, and tap
their diverse perspectives and experiences. Learning tasks foster students'
confidence and at the same time, are appropriately challenging.
Model Modeling has been emphasized by many local and state
guidelines as sharing one's thinking and demonstrating or explaining something.
However, in collaborative classrooms, modeling serves to share with students
not only what one is thinking about the content to be learned, but also the
process of communication and collaborative learning. Modeling may involve
thinking aloud (sharing thoughts about something) or demonstrating (showing
students how to do something in a step-by-step fashion).
In terms of content, teachers might verbalize the thinking processes
they use to make a prediction about a scientific experiment, to summarize ideas
in a passage, to figure out the meaning of an unfamiliar word, to represent and
solve a problem, to organize complicated information, and so on. Just as
important, they would also think aloud about their doubts and uncertainties.
This type of metacognitive thinking and thinking aloud when things do not go
smoothly is invaluable in helping students understand that learning requires
effort and is often difficult for people.
With respect to group process, teachers may share their thinking about
the various roles, rules, and relationships in collaborative classrooms.
Consider leadership, for example. A teacher might model what he or she thinks
about such questions as how to manage the group's time or how to achieve
consensus. Similarly, showing students how to think through tough group
situations and problems of communication is as invaluable as modeling how to
plan an approach to an academic problem, monitoring its progress, and assessing
what was learned.
A major challenge in mediating learning is to determine when it is
appropriate to model by thinking aloud and when it is useful to model by
demonstrating. If a teacher is certain that students have little experience
with, say, a mathematical procedure, then it may be appropriate to demonstrate
it before students engage in a learning task. (This is not to say that the
teacher assumes or states that there is only one way to perform the procedure.
It is also important to allow for individual variations in application.) If, on
the other hand, the teacher believes students can come up with the procedure
themselves, then he or she might elect to ask the students to model how they
solved the problem; alternatively the teacher could give students hints or
cues. (See below.)
Coach Coaching involves giving hints or cues, providing feedback,
redirecting students' efforts, and helping them use a strategy. A major
principle of coaching is to provide the right amount of help when students need
it--neither too much nor too little so that students retain as much
responsibility as possible for their own learning.
For example, a collaborative group of junior high students worked on the
economic development of several nations. They accumulated a lot of information
about the countries and decided that the best way to present it was to compare
the countries. But they were stymied as to how to organize the information so
they could write about it in a paper, the product they chose to produce. Their
teacher hinted that they use a matrix--a graphic organizer they had learned--to
organize their information. When the group finished the matrix, the teacher
gave them feedback. In so doing, he did not tell them it was right or wrong,
but asked questions that helped them verbalize their reasons for completing the
matrix as they did. The principle the teacher followed was to coach enough so
that students could continue to learn by drawing on the ideas of other group
Student Roles in a Collaborative Classroom
Students also assume new roles in the collaborative classroom. Their
major roles are collaborator and active participator. It is useful to think how
these new roles influence the processes and activities students conduct before,
during, and after learning. For example, before learning, students set goals
and plan learning tasks; during learning, they work together to accomplish
tasks and monitor their progress; and after learning, they assess their
performance and plan for future learning. As mediator, the teacher helps
students fulfill their new roles.
Goal setting Students prepare for
learning in many ways. Especially important is goal setting, a critical process
that helps guide many other before-, during-, and and after-learning
activities. Although teachers still set goals for students, they often provide
students with choices. When students collaborate, they should talk about their
goals. For example, one teacher asked students to set goals for a unit on
garbage. In one group, a student wanted to find out if garbage is a problem,
another wanted to know what happens to garbage, a third wanted to know what is
being done to solve the problem of garbage. The fourth member could not think
of a goal, but agreed that the first three were important and adopted them.
These students became more actively involved in the unit after their discussion
about goals, and at the end of the unit, could better evaluate whether they had
attained them.
Designing Learning Tasks and Monitoring While teachers plan general learning tasks, for
example, to produce a product to illustrate a concept, historical sequence,
personal experience, and so on, students assume much more responsibility in a
collaborative classroom for planning their own learning activities. Ideally,
these plans derive in part from goals students set for themselves. Thoughtful
planning by the teacher ensures that students can work together to attain their
own goals and capitalize on their own abilities, knowledge, and strategies within
the parameters set by the teacher. Students are more likely to engage in these
tasks with more purpose and interest than in traditional classrooms.
Self-regulated learning is important in collaborative classrooms.
Students learn to take responsibility for monitoring, adjusting,
self-questioning, and questioning each other. Such self-regulating activities
are critical for students to learn today, and they are much better learned
within a group that shares responsibility for learning. Monitoring is checking
one's progress toward goals.
Adjusting refers to changes students make, based
on monitoring, in what they are doing to reach their goals. For example, a
group of students decided that the sources of information on the Civil War they
selected initially were not as useful as they had hoped, so they selected new
materials. Another group judged that the paper they had planned to write would
not accomplish what they thought it would the way they had organized it, so
they planned a new paper.
Students can further develop their self-regulating abilities when each
group shares its ideas with other groups and gets feedback from them. For
example, in the first video conference, elementary students were shown
collaborating in small groups to define and represent math problems. Working in
small groups, the children determined what was being asked in story problems
and thought of ways to solve the problems. Then each group shared its ideas
with the whole class. Members of the class commented on the ideas. As students
developed problem-solving skills with feedback from other groups, they learned
more about regulating their own learning which they could use in the future.
Assessment While teachers have
assumed the primary responsibility for assessing students' performance in the
past, collaborative classrooms view assessment much more broadly. That is, a
major goal is to guide students from the earliest school years to evaluate
their own learning. Thus, a new responsibility is self-assessment, a capability
that is fostered as students assess group work.
Self-assessment is intimately related to ongoing monitoring of one's
progress toward achievement of learning goals. In a collaborative classroom,
assessment means more than just assigning a grade. It means evaluating whether
one has learned what one intended to learn, the effectiveness of learning
strategies, the quality of products and decisions about which products reflect
one's best work, the usefulness of the materials used in a task, and whether
future learning is needed and how that learning might be realized.
Collaborative classrooms are natural places in which to learn
self-assessment. And because decisions about materials and group performance
are shared, students feel more free to express doubts, feelings of success,
remaining questions, and uncertainties than when they are evaluated only by a
teacher. Furthermore, the sense of cooperation (as opposed to competition) that
is fostered in collaborative work makes assessment less threatening than in a
more traditional assessment situation. Ideally, students learn to evaluate
their own learning from their experiences with group evaluation.
Interactions in a Collaborative Classroom
The critical role of dialogue in collaborative classrooms has been
stressed throughout this Guidebook The collaborative classroom is alive with two-way
communication. A major mode of communication is dialogue, which in a
collaborative classroom is thinking made public. A major goal for teachers is
to maintain this dialogue among students.
Consider examples of interactions in collaborative groups. Members
discuss their approaches to solving a math problem, explain their reasoning,
and defend their work. Hearing one student's logic prompts the other students
to consider an alternative interpretation. Students are thus challenged to
re-examine their own reasoning. When three students in a group ask a fourth
student to explain and support her ideas, that is, to make her thinking public,
she frequently examines and develops her concepts for herself as she talks.
When one student has an insight about how to solve a difficult problem, the
others in the group learn how to use a new thinking strategy sooner than if
they had worked on their own. Thus, students engaged in interaction often
exceed what they can accomplish by working independently.
Collaborative teachers maintain the same sort of high-level talk and
interaction when a whole class engages in discussion. They avoid recitation,
which consists primarily of reviewing, drilling, and quizzing; i.e., asking
questions to which the answer is known by the teacher and there is only one
right answer. In true discussion, students talk to each other as well as to the
teacher, entertain a variety of points of view, and grapple with questions that
have no right or wrong answers. Sometimes both students and the teacher change
their minds about an idea. In sum, interactions in whole group discussion
mirror what goes on in small groups.
Still a third way interactions differ in collaborative classrooms has
been suggested above. Teachers, in their new roles as mediators, spend more
time in true interactions with students. They guide students' search for
information and help them share their own knowledge. They move from group to
group, modeling a learning strategy for one group, engaging in discussion with
another, giving feedback to still another.
Challenges and Conflicts
When teachers and schools move from traditional to collaborative
instruction, several important issues are likely to arise. They are important concerns
for teachers, administrators, and parents.
Classroom Control Collaborative classrooms
tend to be noisier than traditional classrooms. This is a legitimate issue for
a number of people. Some teachers believe that noisy classrooms indicate lack
of discipline or teacher control. In such situations, they argue, students
cannot learn.
Earlier in this essay we stressed that collaborative classrooms do not
lack structure. Indeed, structure becomes critical. Students need opportunities
to move about, talk, ask questions, and so on. Thus, we argue that the noise in
a smoothly running collaborative classroom indicates that active learning is
going on. However, students must be taught the parameters within which they
make their choices. Rules and standards must be stressed from the beginning,
probably before any collaboration is initiated, and reviewed throughout a
school year.
Preparation Time for Collaborative Learning Teachers and administrators may believe that new
lesson plans must be formed for these classrooms. To a certain extent, they are
correct. But many teachers already have created engaging units and activities
that are easily implemented in a collaborative classroom. Furthermore, teachers
can begin slowly, making changes in one subject area or unit within a subject area, probably one they are already very
comfortable teaching, and then add other subjects and units. Teachers can also
share their plans with each other. Indeed, if we expect students to
collaborate, we should encourage teachers to do the same! Principals and
curriculum specialists can also collaborate with teachers to plan effective
segments of instruction. Moreover, there is a tradeoff between the extra
planning time needed and benefits such as less time correcting lessons,
increased student motivation, and fewer attendance and discipline problems.
Individual Differences Among Students We have touched on this concern in the section on
heterogeneous grouping. Nevertheless, many people will still doubt that
individual differences can be better addressed in collaborative classrooms than
in traditional classrooms with homogeneous grouping.
A major question people have concerns the advantage collaboration
affords gifted or high-achieving students. There are two tough issues here.
First, many teachers do not believe that low-achieving students have much to
contribute to the learning situation; in effect, that they have no prior
experiences or knowledge of value. Second, teachers worry that high-achieving
students will be held back.
In response to the first issue, many collaborative teachers have
expressed surprise when seemingly less-able students had insights and ideas
that went way beyond what teachers expected. Further, if each student
contributes something, the pool of collective knowledge will indeed be rich. In
answer to the second concern, data suggest that high-achieving students gain
much from their exposure to diverse experiences and also from peer tutoring
(e.g., Johnson and Johnson, 1989). Also, students who may be high achieving in
one area may need help in other areas.
Teachers and others also wonder whether shy students can fully
participate in a classroom that depends so much on dialogue. We suggest that
these students might feel more comfortable talking in small groups that share
responsibility for learning. Furthermore, interaction between learners can
happen in ways other than oral dialogue, for example, writing and art.
A related concern is that many schools are structured homogeneously so
that an individual teacher cannot form heterogeneous groups without involving
changes in the entire school. A whole class of "low" readers are
taught by one teacher, "average" by another. High school tracks are
even more systematically entrenched. Clearly, these practices are not conducive
to collaborative learning and require system-wide restructuring. Individual
teachers or groups of teachers can initiate dialogue on the problem, however.
Individual Responsibility for Learning This concern is a difficult one to solve unless major
changes in other areas of schooling are also undertaken.
Students are used to
being graded for individual work; parents expect to know how their students
fare in school. School staff and state departments depend on traditional
assessments. In collaborative classrooms, it is often difficult to assign
individual grades. Some teachers give group grades, but many students and
parents are uncomfortable with these.
Ideally, assessment practices should be changed so that they are
consistent with collaboration, with a new view of learning and with a thinking
curriculum. Video Conference 4 addresses recent research and practice on
assessment. In the meantime, effective ways have been developed whereby
individual students can be evaluated in collaborative classrooms. For example, David
Johnson and Roger Johnson, as well as Robert Slavin, advise making individuals
responsible for subtasks in group work and then determining both group and
individual grades.
Conflict of Values Susan Florio-Ruane has
observed that many teachers do not feel comfortable allowing students to
initiate dialogue, determine topics, or explore perspectives other than the
teacher's. This reluctance conflicts with the way effective caregivers teach
their children in the home. Florio-Ruane and others, such as Annemarie
Palincsar, have found that teachers often have difficulty helping students
construct meaning, especially linking the new information to the prior
knowledge and culture of the students. In part this is because many teachers
believe that their role is to transmit knowledge; in part it is because they
are held accountable for teaching discrete skills. In one poignant example, a
student teacher's concern for grammar and punctuation prevented her from seeing
the sophistication and meaning in what the child was actually communicating in
a book report.
The reluctance people feel when asked to make major changes in the way
they do things is clearly the most serious issue of those discussed here.
Hardly a person exists who eagerly gives up familiar ways of behaving to
attempt something that is unknown and is likely to have many challenges of
This problem requires leadership, support, and time to address. Staff
development needs to address teachers' concerns. We urge that educators first
examine their assumptions about learning and then consider new curriculum
guidelines. There is an intimate relationship among one's definition of
learning, one's view of the content and scope of curricula, and instructional
practices. Examining one's assumptions honestly and forthrightly, in a
supportive group, often spurs educators to change. The already-convinced must
allow time for the less-convinced to reflect and grapple with implications for
the views expressed in this Guidebook They must also accept the possibility that some
educators may not change. We are urging that students be treated with such
respect; we must urge the same respect for adults.
Is the Research Base for Collaborative Learning?
Vygotsky, a developmental theorist and researcher who worked in the
1920s and early '30s, has influenced some of the current research of
collaboration among students and teachers and on the role of cultural learning
and schooling. His principal premise is that human beings are products not only
of biology, but also of their human cultures. Intellectual functioning is the
product of our social history, and language is the key mode by which we learn
our cultures and through which we organize our verbal thinking and regulate our
actions. Children learn such higher functioning from interacting with the
adults and other children around them.
Inner Speech Children learn when they
engage in activities and dialogue with others, usually adults or more capable
peers. Children gradually internalize this dialogue so that it becomes inner
speech, the means by which they direct their own behavior and thinking. For
example, as adults use language such as, "That piece does not fit there;
let's try it someplace else," children may initially just imitate this
strategy. However, they gradually use it to regulate their own behavior in a
variety of contexts. Eventually, this dialogue becomes internalized as inner
There seems to be a general sequence in the development of speech for
oneself. When alone, very young children tend to talk about what they have done
after they complete an activity. Later, they talk as they work. Finally, they
talk to themselves before they engage in an activity. Speech now has assumed a
planning function. Later they internalize this speech. Inner
speech--conversations we carry on with ourselves begins as a social dialogue
with other people and is a major mode of learning, planning, and
Various experiments demonstrate this self-regulating function of inner
speech. Vygotsky reasoned that when people are asked to solve difficult
problems or to perform difficult tasks, inner speech will go external, that is,
take its more primitive form. In other words, people frequently talk to
themselves when they face a problem. This externalization of inner speech is
often observed in children. When they engage in familiar, simple activities,
they usually do so without talk, but faced with difficult tasks, they may
whisper or talk out loud to themselves. Adults do this, too. When they are faced
with perplexing or unfamiliar tasks such as figuring out how to work a
VCR--they often talk themselves through such tasks.
Vygotsky noted that children interacting toward a common goal tend to
regulate each other's actions. Other researchers (e.g., Forman & Cazden,
1986) have observed that when students work together on complex tasks, they
assist each other in much the same way adults assist children. In such tasks,
dialogue consists of mutual regulation. Together, they can solve difficult
problems they cannot solve working independently.
Scaffolding and Development Effective caregivers engage in regulating dialogue
with children almost naturally. A key phenomenon of such interactions is that
caregivers maintain the dialogue just above the level where children can
perform activities independently. As children learn, adults change the nature
of their dialogue so that they continue to support the child but also give the
child increasing responsibility for the task (for example, the adult might say,
"Now see if you can find the next piece of the puzzle yourself.").
Jerome Bruner and his colleagues called this scaffolding. It takes place within a child's zone of proximal development, a level or range in which a child can perform a task
with help. (Piaget refers to this as "teachable moments" when adults
stretch a child's capacity, but stay within what they are capable of
The zone of proximal development, scaffolding, and dialogue are
especially useful concepts or frameworks for school learning. Vygotsky observed
that effective teachers plan and carry out learning activities within
children's zones of proximal development, through dialogue and scaffolding.
Florio-Ruane drew five maxims from studies of caregiver-child interactions that
illustrate these points and should characterize school instruction.
1. Assume the child (learner) is competent
2. Know the child (learner)
3. Share an interest in the task at hand with the child (learner)
4. Follow the child's (learner's) lead
5. Capitalize on uncertainty
Very few teachers have the luxury of teaching children on a one-to-one
basis. Fortunately, we now know that tutoring is not, in fact, the only--or
even the best--way for students to learn in most situations. Dialogue,
scaffolding, and working in one's zone of proximal development can be
accomplished in collaborative classrooms, and are being accomplished in many
classrooms today.
Connecting school learning to everyday life Vygotsky also provides us with a framework for
thinking about an important function of teaching and the multicultural
perspective. His research suggests that school learning enables students to
connect their "everyday concepts" to "scientific concepts."
In other words, schools help students draw generalizations and construct
meaning from their own experiences, knowledge, and strategies. Knowledge
learned in the community and knowledge gained from school are both valuable.
Neither can be ignored if students are to engage in meaningful learning.
Effective teachers help students make these connections by scaffolding
and dialogue. In fact, these are the essence of mediating. Teachers plan
learning activities at points where students are challenged. Teachers plan
activities and experiments that build on the language of students' everyday
lives through familiar examples and behaviors, analogies and metaphors, and the
use of commonly found materials. Teachers demonstrate, do parts of the task
students cannot do, work collaboratively with students where they need help, and
release responsibility to students when they can perform the task
Other Research
A number of researchers in recent years have demonstrated the high
degree of learning possible when students can collaborate in learning tasks and
when they use their own knowledge as a foundation for school learning. While
there are many that we could cite, we have chosen three different perspectives
here: Luis Moll's work on teachers' use of successful cultural patterns in
Mexican-American families; Annemarie Palincsar's and Anne Brown's work on
scaffolding, dialogue, and reciprocal teaching; and research on cooperative
learning. Later we provide additional research in content area examples.
Luis Moll Moll, an educator, and
his colleagues in anthropology, Carlos Velez-lbanez and James Greenberg, have
studied Mexican-American families who have survived successfully in spite of
debilitating circumstances such as poverty and discrimination. Particular
constellations of cultural patterns--strategies if you will-- that value
learning and the transmission of knowledge to children distinguish these
families. Moll et al. argue that schools can draw on the social and cognitive
contributions that parents can make to their children's academic learning.
Moll and his colleagues discovered that Mexican-American households are
clustered according to kinship ties and exchange relationships. These clusters
of households develop rich funds of
knowledge that provide information
about practices and resources useful in ensuring the well-being of the
households. Each household in the cluster is a place where expertise in a
particular domain can be accessed and used; examples of domains include repair
of vehicles and appliances, plumbing, knowledge of education, herbal medicine,
and first aid. Together, the households form a cluster for the exchange of
information and resources. Often, everyone seems to congregate at one core
Families create settings in which children carry out the tasks and
chores in the multiple domains of clustered households. The children's
activities have important intellectual consequences. They observe, question,
and assist adults as various tasks are done. For example, the son may indicate
interest in fixing a car by asking questions. The father takes his cue from the
child and then decides whether or not the child is capable of doing a task; if
not, he may suggest a task that the child can accomplish. Even though the son's
help may be minimal, such as helping to put in screws or checking the oil, his participation
in the whole task is encouraged as an essential part of learning. He is allowed
to attempt tasks and to experiment without fear of punishment if he fails. In
such families, learning and questioning are in the hands of the child.
With time children develop expertise as well. They have many
opportunities in the cluster of households to apply what they have learned to
tasks of their own design. For example, the son may have a workplace where
there are many "junk" engines that he can manipulate and with which
he can experiment. He may use what he has learned in observing and assisting
his father to rebuild a small engine for a "go-cart" he is
Moll and his colleagues are exploring ways of using the community to
enrich children's academic development. To accomplish this, teachers have
developed an after-school laboratory. One teacher created a module on
constructing houses which is a theme of great interest to the students in this
teacher's classroom and also one of the most prominent funds of knowledge found
in the students' households. The students started by locating information on
building or construction in the library. As a result of their research, they
built a model house or other structure as homework and wrote reports describing
their research and explaining their construction. To extend this activity, the
teacher invited parents and other community members who were experts to share
information on specific aspects of construction. For example, one parent
described his use of construction tools and how he measured the area and
perimeter of his work site. Thus, the teacher was mobilizing the funds of
knowledge in the community to achieve the instructional goals that she and her
students had negotiated together.
The students then took the module one step further. They wanted to
consider how they could combine these individual structures to form a
community. This task required both application of their earlier learnings and
considerable research. Students went out to do research, wrote summaries of
their findings, and shared the results orally with others in the class. Thus,
students fulfilled their own interests and designed the learning task, while
the teacher facilitated and mediated the learning process and fulfilled her
curricular goal of teaching language arts.
Palincsar and Brown Palincsar and Brown have applied Vygotsky's
theories about dialogue and scaffolding to classroom instruction. They reasoned
that if the natural dialogue that occurs outside of school between a child and
adult is so powerful for promoting learning, it ought to promote learning in
school as well. In particular, they were interested in the planning and
self-regulation such dialogue might foster in learners as well as the insights
teachers might gain about their students' thinking processes as they engage in
learning tasks. In addition, dialogue among students might be especially
effective for encouraging collaborative problem solving.
Palincsar and Brown noted that, in contrast to effective adult-child
interactions outside of school, classroom talk does not always encourage
students to develop self-regulation. Thus, a goal of their research was to find
ways to make dialogue a major mode of interaction between teachers and students
to encourage self-regulated learning.
Their classroom research revealed increased self-regulation in
classrooms where, subsequent to training, dialogue became a natural activity.
Within a joint dialogue, teachers modeled thinking strategies effectively,
apparently in part because students felt free to express uncertainty, ask
questions, and share their knowledge without fear of criticism. The students
gave the teachers clues, so to speak, as to the kind of learning they were
ready for. For example, one student interrupted her teacher when she did not
understand something the teacher was reading. The teacher took this opportunity
to model a clarifying strategy. (It also would have been appropriate to have
asked other students to model the process.) In a number of classrooms, students
freely discussed what they knew about topics, thus revealing persistent
misconceptions. Such revelations do not always happen in more traditional
classrooms. Furthermore, teachers helped students change their misconceptions
through continued dialogue.
One particular application was in reading comprehension for students
identified as poor readers. The researchers proposed that poor readers have had
impoverished experiences with reading for meaning in school and concluded that
they might learn comprehension strategies through dialogue. To encourage joint
responsibility for dialogue, they asked students to take increasing
responsibility for leading discussion, i.e., to act as the teacher. This
turn-taking is called reciprocal teaching.
The four comprehension strategies that are stressed are: predicting,
question generating, summarizing, and clarifying. The "teacher" leads
dialogue about the text. Predicting activates students' prior knowledge about
the text and helps them make connections between new information and what they
already know, and gives them a purpose for reading. Students also learn to
generate questions themselves rather than responding only to teacher questions.
Students collaborate to accomplish summarizing, which encourages them to
integrate what they have learned. Clarifying promotes comprehension monitoring.
Students share their uncertainties about unfamiliar vocabulary, confusing text
passages, and difficult concepts.
Reciprocal teaching has been successful, but only when teachers believe
the underlying assumption that collaboration among teachers and students to
construct meaning, solve problems, and so forth, leads to higher quality
learning. Believing this is only a beginning. Engaging in true dialogue
requires practice for both teachers and students.
However, the principles of
collaborative dialogue and scaffolding for purposes of self-regulated learning
ought to be effective across many content areas. What may differ, of course,
are the critical specific strategies for different subject areas. For example,
defining problems seems critical in mathematics; judging the reliability of
resources appears important in social studies; and seeking empirical evidence
is essential in science. In fact, Palincsar is currently investigating problem
solving in science.
Cooperative Learning Cooperation, a form of
collaboration, is "working together to accomplish shared goals"
(Johnson & Johnson, 1989, p. 2). Whereas collaboration happens in both
small and large groups, cooperation refers primarily to small groups of
students working together. Many teachers and whole schools are adopting
cooperation as the primary structure for classroom learning.
Research strongly supports the advantages of cooperative learning over
competition and individualized learning in a wide array of learning tasks.
Compared to competitive or individual work, cooperation leads to higher group
and individual achievement, higher-quality reasoning strategies, more frequent
transfer of these from the group to individual members, more metacognition, and
more new ideas and solutions to problems. In addition, students working in
cooperative groups tend to be more intrinsically motivated, intellectually
curious, caring of others, and psychologically healthy. That is not to say that
competition and individual work should not be valued and encouraged, however.
For example, competition is appropriate when there can be only one winner, as
in a sports event, and individualistic effort is appropriate when the goal is
personally beneficial and has no influence on the goals of others.
Unfortunately, simply putting students in groups and letting them go is
not enough to attain the outcomes listed above. Indeed, many teachers and
schools have failed to implement cooperation because they have not understood
that cooperative skills must be learned and practiced, especially since
students are used to working on their own in competition for grades. At least
three conditions must prevail, according to Johnson and Johnson, if cooperation
is to work. First, students must see themselves as positively interdependent so
that they take a personal responsibility for working to achieve group goals.
Second, students must engage in considerable face-to-face interaction in which
they help each other, share resources, give constructive feedback to each
other, challenge other members' reasoning and ideas, keep an open mind, act in
a trustworthy manner, and promote a feeling of safety to reduce anxiety of all
members. Heterogeneous groups of students usually accomplish this second condition
better than do homogeneous groups.
The third condition, effective group process skills, is necessary for
the first two to prevail. In fact, group skills are never "mastered."
Students continually need to reflect on their interactions and evaluate their
cooperative work. For example, students need to learn skills both for
accomplishing tasks, such as summarizing and consensus taking, and for
maintaining group cohesiveness, such as ensuring that everyone has a chance to
speak and compromising.
Some people, such as Slavin, have developed specific cooperative
learning methods that emphasize individual responsibility for group members.
While groups still work to achieve common goals, each member fulfills a
particular role or accomplishes an individual task. Teachers can then assess
both group and individual work.
Difficult as it may be to implement cooperative learning, those who have
are enthusiastic. (See the example from Joliet West High School in the next
section.) They see improved learning, more effective social skills, and higher
self-esteem for most of their students. In addition, they recognize that our
changing world demands more and more cooperation among individuals,
communities, and nations, and that they are indeed preparing students for this
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