Monday, June 6, 2016

PM discussed areas of further cooperation with Vice Presidents of the World Bank Cyril Muller and Jan Walliser

On Friday, June 3, Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman held a meeting with World Bank Regional Vice President for Europe and Central Asia Cyril Muller and Vice President of the World Bank’s Global Practices for Equitable Growth, Finance and Institutions and Jan Walliser. The sides discussed areas of further cooperation between Ukraine and the World Bank as well as the Government's plans as to the implementation of reforms in the country.
Volodymyr Groysman informed about the priorities of the Government in 2016, including the reform of Ukrainian customs, energy sector, public service, further decentralization of power, deregulation, the launch of all anti-corruption bodies, public privatization of state-owned enterprises and competitive appointment of their heads.

The Prime Minister briefed his interlocutors on the steps already undertaken by the Cabinet of Ministers.Thus, the Government has introduced a single market-based price for gas, simplified the registration of medicines in Ukraine, begun preparations for the privatization of Odesa Portside Plant, appointed heads of two state-owned enterprises JSC Ukrzaliznytsia and Ukrposhta selected as a result of open competitions. By the end of August it has been planned the introduction of electronic declaration for public officials, and by August 1 – the transition of public procurement to the ProZorro electronic system, which also will be an effective mechanism to combat corruption.
Volodymyr Groysman pointed out that cooperation with the International Monetary Fund and the full implementation of the Association Agreement with the European Union remains priority for the Government.
The Prime Minister informed that on Thursday the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine had adopted the constitutional amendments in the judiciary sector. "This is a very important step for judicial reform, which will allow for upgrade in the judiciary branch and restoration of the confidence of the citizens of Ukraine and investors, as well as businessmen to the judiciary," he stressed.
Separately, the Prime Minister drew attention to repair and construction of roads and transport corridors in Ukraine. "On the one hand, it is a good direction for the development of the domestic economy, on the other hand, it is the formation of transport corridors and development of transit potential of our country. The construction of these corridors gives us significant advantages. We will focus our efforts on this," emphasized Volodymyr Groysman.
In his turn, World Bank Regional Vice President for Europe and Central Asia Cyril Muller pointed out the Government's decision to introduce a single market-based price for gas. "I was very impressed by the determination of your actions towards putting the gas sector on a sustainable development path and making all programs more efficient in the use of energy," he highlighted.
"This is an important signal that helps us complete the final steps for the launch of the project that provides USD 500 million of guarantees for the purchase of gas," said the Vice President of the World Bank.
The participants noted the progress of Ukraine toward opening the final beneficial owners of companies.According to them, the experience of Ukraine in this direction would be useful for many countries.
The representatives of the World Bank have appreciated the Government's plans for carrying out reforms."Commitment to completing the energy sector reform, judicial sector, building a strong financial sector are those "stones" that will help build up a Ukraine attractive for investment and will be the basis for further economic development," pointed out Cyril Muller.
The Vice President of the World Bank’s Europe and Central Asia region called for speeding up the implementation of investment projects in Ukraine.
Volodymyr Groysman informed that he had instructed the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine to analyze these projects and find out reasons of delay in their implementation. He also called for enhanced bilateral cooperation and thanked the World Bank for its support to Ukraine.
"I would like to emphasize the crucial role of the World Bank in maintaining Ukraine in implementation of many projects. We appreciate the level of this cooperation. We are interested to enhance our cooperation with the World Bank in order to quickly implement reforms necessary for Ukraine," underlined Volodymyr Groysman
In his turn, the Vice President of the World Bank’s Europe and Central Asia assured the commitment of the World Bank to continue working with Ukraine and to further implement investment programs.

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