Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Ukraine’s Eurovision Win Rouses a Chorus of Anger and Suspicion in Russia


MOSCOW — The Eurovision Song Contest became the latest, and perhaps least likely, front in the renewed East-West rivalry on Monday after a singer from Ukraine unexpectedly upset the odds-on favorite, a Russian.

The result had barely been announced on Saturday night in Stockholm when the habitual Kremlin propaganda machine found its voice, with the main television news shows, various members of Parliament and even the Foreign Ministry weighing in to smear the contest.

Yelena Drapeko, an actress turned member of Parliament, summed up the general mood by attributing the loss to what she called the demonization of Russia.

“Partly, this is a result of the propaganda and information war that is being waged against Russia,” she was quoted as saying by the TASS news agency. “We are talking about the general demonization of Russia, about how everything with us is bad, about how our athletes are all doping, our planes are violating airspace, all of this.”

The loss was the top news story on the weekly Sunday night news program hosted by Dmitry K. Kiselyov, the Kremlin’s main propagandist. Mr. Kiselyov sees the dark arts of the United States operating everywhere in the world, and the Eurovision contest was no exception, never mind that it is not an American event.

The Logo network, a cable channel supportive of gay rights, broadcast the event for the first time in the United States, and that was enough to give birth to a conspiracy theory in Russia.

“I don’t exclude the fact that Americans’ having bought broadcasting rights has changed the voting system,” Mr. Kiselyov said. “Money talks, as they say, in this case in political interests.”

Politicians were not the only ones crying foul, of course. Among the viewing public, Sergey Lazarev, the Russian singer, enjoys a staunch following among teenage girls. They were among the most vocal critics of his loss.

In point of fact, Russia’s complaints began even before the final event on Saturday night, with some officials claiming that the eventual winner, a Ukrainian of Crimean Tatar origin, had violated contest rules against political content in songs. The song she sang, called “1944,” describes the plight of the Tatar minority deported from Crimea under Joseph Stalin. Many deportees did not survive to make it back to Crimea after the collapse of the Soviet Union .

But many observers felt Russia’s basic problem was this: Before the show, Mr. Lazarev, a pop star in Russia, was favored to win, but the prize went to the Ukrainian, Susana Jamaladinova, who goes by the stage name Jamala.

Certainly, her song was interpreted by many as an oblique comment on theRussian annexation of Crimea in 2014, not to speak of most ethnic Ukrainians’ and Tatars’ general distaste for anything and everything Russian. 

It was allowed because Ms. Jamaladinova framed it as a personal anthem devoted to her grandmother, who was among the deportees. But there was a distinct undertone of current events given that Russia has been accused of discriminating against the Tatar minority all over again since 2014, recently shutting down their independent legislature.

“When strangers are coming, they come to your house, they kill you all and say we are not guilty, not guilty,” says the opening verse of the song.

The Moscow establishment has always coveted a winning entry in the Eurovision contest and was eagerly anticipating a moment of triumph after bookies established Mr. Lazarev as the favorite.

This year, however, contest organizers changed the balloting system, ranking contenders by both a poll of viewers and a five-member jury in each participating country. Mr. Lazarev won the popular vote, but ranked fifth in the jury vote.

The complicated system put Russia in third place, behind Ukraine and Australia and its contestant, Dami Im. (Australia was a “special guest” for the second year.)

In the tumultuous aftermath, Russia has suddenly emerged as the unexpected champion of a popular vote.

Every Russian news program and various senior officials maintained that Mr. Lazarev, as the popular favorite, had been robbed in what they denigrated as a clearly political decision.

Aleksei K. Pushkov, the head of the State Duma’s committee on international affairs, said on Twitter that Eurovision had “turned into a field of political battles” and suggested that Russia now had the right to send a politically charged entry to the next contest.

The winner gets to host the contest the following year, which means in 2017 it will be in Ukraine. That brought endless suggestions from Russia to either boycott the contest or send the most nationalistic crooners possible.

Maria V. Zakharova, a Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, said that next year, Russia would come up with a song about President Bashar al-Assad of Syria that was sure to carry the day. “Assad bloody, Assad the worst. Give me prize so that we can host,” she wrote as a suggested lyric on her Facebook account.

A deputy prime minister, Dmitri O. Rogozin, proposed sending Sergei V. Shnurov, the frontman for a popular rock band known for its use of foul language and celebration of alcoholism. Others suggested that Russia send its contestants to Ukraine next year on the back of tanks.

Across the border, Ukrainians saw the win in political terms, too, but they were often jubilant about it. Many Ukrainians aspire to membership in the European Union, a goal that has driven their country into a civil war with Russian-backed separatists in the southeast, leaving more than 9,000 people dead.

About a thousand fans, many bearing flowers, greeted Ms. Jamaladinova when she flew into the Kiev airport. “Crimea is Ukraine!” they shouted, and then sang the national anthem. Politicians starting with President Petro O. Poroshenko posted congratulations on social media.

Of course, there were conspiracy theories in Ukraine, too. Given the high number of votes from within Ukraine for Mr. Lazarev, Ukrainian nationalists wondered if perhaps Russia had found a way to manipulate the vote across the border. Others took it as a “Kumbaya” moment indicating that there should be no war between the two countries.

Mikhail Pavliv, a Kiev-based political scientist, pointed out in a post on Facebook that while viewers in Russia and Ukraine had voted in favor of each other’s singers, the jury in each country had given the other’s contestant zero points.

“This is better than any sociology,” he wrote.

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