Friday, March 11, 2016

Ukrainian court system is the most complicated in Europe - Justice Minister

It is necessary to simplify the system of Ukrainian courts, the minister said.

It is necessary to simplify the system of courts in Ukraine, because today it is the most complicated in Europe. This was in the air "Channel 5" during a telemaraphon "Ukraine most of all", said Justice Minister Pavel Petrenko.

"We are now actively accumulating a package of laws to actually run the restart of the judicial system model, that I see, and supported by colleagues in the Ukrainian government, it's just that we need to simplify the system of courts, it is now in our complex in Europe.." - He said.

According to Petrenko, the new system will consist of three levels.

We will eliminate the economic courts, the administrative courts. In this new structure recruited judges. It's a question of time. I think if we start with the Supreme Court and go down, for 18 months, a maximum of two years, we can restart the entire system, "- said the Minister of Justice.

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