Thursday, March 10, 2016

PM:Government to support Crimean Tatar ATR channel and allocate UAH 5 mln to repay debt to satellite's owner

Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk has instructed the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, the Ministry of Information Policy and the Ministry of Social Policy to ensure repayment of a UAH5 million debt of the ATR channel to the owner of the satellite. A meeting of the Government discussed this issue on Thursday, March 10.
At the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Minister of Information Policy Yurii Stets has recalled that ten days ago the Crimean Tatar television channel ATR was in a situation that jeopardized its future satellite broadcasting due to the debts to the Swedish company, the owner of the satellite. The Minister informed that on behalf of Arseniy Yatsenyuk he contacted the representatives of this company.

During the talks, according to Yurii Stets, the Government of Ukraine guaranteed to solve this problem within two weeks, and the Swedish company, in its turn, gave a guarantee that it would not stop broadcasting the ATR channel until the settlement of this debt. In addition, we managed to agree on debt restructuring: "For now we can say that the amount of UAH10 million will be at least halved."
Arseniy Yatsenyuk has recalled that the 2016 state budget foresees UAH 60 million to finance the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People.
The Prime Minister has instructed the Ministry of Finance together with the Ministry of Information Policy and the Ministry of Social Policy to ensure payment of a UAH5 million debt of ATR TV to the owner of the satellite.
Arseniy Yatsenyuk has appealed to Yurii Stets to finalize this issue, to provide a UAH 5 million write-off in order to guarantee the channel’s further broadcasting.
The Head of Government has pointed out that we need to help our Crimean Tatar people, who is under constant pressure of the Russian regime and need help, in order to ensure broadcasting of the ATR channel that provides accurate information about our #Crimean_Tatar brothers.

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