Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Mogherini in Yerevan for talks on EU – Armenia Agreement

In Yerevan for her first official visit to Armenia Federica Mogherini held talks with political leaders and representatives of civil society. She began her visit to the country with a meeting with Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian.

During her visit she had a long and constructive exchange with President Serzh Sargsyan.
She met also representatives of NGOs and Civil society, and MPs of all political parties.

The EU's relations with Armenia are undergoing change. Last December both sides agreed to start negotiating on new EU-Armenia agreement which would cover their relations. During her visit Mogherini has underlined her hopes that are concluded rapidly and a new deal is put in place as soon as possible. 

The EU's relations with the county are not just bilateral but also through the Eastern Partnership policy the EU has with six of its eastern neighbours.  

 As you can see from the graphic below, the EU is also a partner and investor in Armenia – helping to train over 4,000 farmers and 930 small enterprises. It has helped build over 170 km of road and improve waste water treatment.

More info:
The EU's relations with Armenia: http://eeas.europa.eu/armenia/index_en.htm

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