The concept of “viral” videos is relatively new as compared with intellectual property
rights, which have been around for
decades. When a video starts receiving exponential attention on social media,
the application of traditional intellectual property laws can be as unclear as
the grainy, homemade footage itself.
of viral videos
Viral videos are often an enigma when it comes to intellectual property, as
they are often shot accidentally or without any creative intent. As opposed to
a novel, sculpture, or software code, viral videos also tend to implicate other
people or the property of others, or are shot without the subjects’ awareness
or knowledge. Hence, the first foundational question to ask when discussing
viral video property rights is: “Who actually owns the video?”
When a person simply shoots a video and saves it to their device, they
continue to retain complete ownership of that video—much like a photographer
shooting a scene and saving it in his camera for later. The confusion sets in,
however, when the video’s owner opts to upload the content to a service like
YouTube, Vimeo, or similar video-sharing site—as this decision tends to invoke
the (possibly) unknowing consent to complex licensing agreements. More often
than not, these licensing agreements are rife with legalese and user-unfriendly
language, perhaps drafted to dissuade video owners from initiating any kind of copyright or infringement lawsuit against the site or its affiliates.
In all likelihood a viral video owner does not relinquish ownership rights
by uploading their content to YouTube, Facebook, or any other social media or
file-sharing platform. By contrast, the user probably—unwittingly—agrees to a
complex licensing agreement granting the site most (if not all) of the following
- Full licensing rights to the content for a
perpetual amount of time;
- The right to sub-license and/or share the content
with other websites;
- The right to re-distribute the content;
- The right to profit from viewership of the video.
Presumably—unless the user agreement states otherwise—the licensing rights
described above terminate upon the user/owner’s decision to remove the content
from the site.
Protecting your
As a digital video grows more popular, it may be time to consider
copyrighting the material to protect against unlawful duplication. Generally, copyright laws apply to any “original works of authorship” as defined in the
Copyright Act of 1976. There are a broad array of genres that fall within the
spectrum of the Copyright Act, including video creations—even if unstaged or
created accidentally. By securing a copyright on the material, the viral video
creator protects their work from someone doing any of the following:
- Reproducing the content
- Preparing derivative works
- Performing or displaying the works publicly
- Re-posting the content without proper attribution
to the creator
A digital video creator’s copyrights are technically vested the moment the
video comes into being. In other words, US copyright laws will protect a
creator from unlawful infringement even if no “official” steps are taken to
protect the work. However, without much more to go on, it is often the
creator’s word versus that of the alleged infringer, creating a difficult
scenario for the court to unravel.
Consequently, it is generally considered good practice to place a notice of
copyright somewhere on the video to alert others that the content is the
original work of the creator, which will help place the presumption of
copyright on the creator. The infringer must then overcome this burden by
showing facts to the contrary (for example, that he or she actually created the
material first).
An interesting
The courts have yet to catch up to the legal issues that can spawn from a
viral video intellectual property issue. However, one recent case sheds some
light on how the courts might react in a legal
challenge—particularly given the oft-invoked “fair use” exception to
traditional and modern copyright laws.
In November 2014, YouTube content creator Ray William Johnson of “Equals
Three Studios” initiated a lawsuit against the viral video company Jukin Media. Johnson initiated the
lawsuit after Jukin launched several “takedown notices” against
Johnson—primarily due to Jukin’s assertions that Johnson had stolen its
material for use in an aggregate viral video comedy series, which actually
satirized some of Jukin’s material. In the lawsuit, Johnson asserted that he
could use the videos under the “fair use” doctrine, which is a copyright exception that allows duplication under certain
limited circumstances (including for commentary or transformative purposes). By
contrast, Jukin asserted that Johnson was profiting from the posts and was in
clear violation of copyright laws.
In the end, the court found that 18 of the 19 videos in question were
“admittedly commercial,” but also a clear parody (in other words, commentary)
of the original work— and therefore covered under the fair use doctrine. In
sum, the court’s holding carved a potentially generous loophole within the
viral video context, allowing others to “comment on” or parody an original
piece—for profit—without worry of violating the original creator’s copyrights.
While this holding is limited within a California district court, content
creators nationwide are assuredly hoping this standard does not go “viral”
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