Friday, March 11, 2016

Economic Mission to Ukraine with Minister Lilianne Ploumen 15-17 March 2016


15 – 17  March 2016
Netherlands Enterprise Agency ( organizes this mission in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the economic network in Ukraine.  
  Further information:
For more information about this business mission, you can contact Jos Hermsen, tel. 088 602 10 78 or e-mail

Ukraine, also called ‘the grain barn of Europe’, is an interesting upcoming market for the #Netherlands. It is a country in transition with an ideal geographical position in a central point between Europe and Asia. With the support of the EU, international donors and IMF, #Ukraine is currently busy with implementing economic reforms to become a prosperous and stable country. The country is striving to achieve it by working on a healthy democracy and free market with European standards and governance.  

For more background information about the Ukrainian market, please see (in Dutch language).

Sector focus

During the mission, the focus will be on the following sectors:

 - Agro-Food, and Horticulture- & Planting Material:
open ground cultivation (w.o.fruitteelt ?), greenhouse facilities (mid- and high-tech), dairy, (milk) livestock chains, bio-energy and the processing industry.  
- Infrastructure/Logistics:
transport, warehousing and transshipment, watermanagement, ICT.
The agenda of the mission is primarly focusing on companies and research institutions in the mentioned sectors.

Company program

This mission provides you with an opportunity to have discussion points and/or trade issues, that might be experienced by your company when cooperating with local government or companies, raised by minister in converations with  (semi-)government officials. 

The presence of the minister gives you also a unique chance to establish and expand high level contacts. Furthermore you can use this opportunity to sign, for instance, a contract or MoU in the minister’s presence.  

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