Thursday, March 24, 2016

Development of high-technology agricultural sector is strategically important for Ukraine's economy

“Ukraine is implementing structural reforms. The development of a high-technology agricultural sector is the strategic vector for changing the Ukrainian economy”, Oleksii Pavlenko, the Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, stressed during a business meeting with Tzahi Malah, the General Director of the Israeli Foreign Trade Risks Insurance Corporation ASHRA.
Oleksii Pavlenko stressed that the Ukrainian agro-industrial complex currently has extremely ambitious goals while the most important include:
- Increasing of agricultural products;
- In-depth processing of agricultural products;
- Export promotion;
- Global markets opening for domestic producers;
- Achieving of a key position in the World food market.

Speaking of the importance of Ukraine-Israel cooperation, Oleksii Pavlenko stressed the importance of Israeli investments for the development of Ukrainian agricultural sector.
 “The priority directions for the investments are construction and modernization of infrastructure facilities, in particular, grain farming facilities. Moreover, the market of vegetable production needs investments. The priority investment should be done to introduce progressive technologies for vegetables and fruits cultivation, processing and storage, reconstruction of processing enterprises, development of market infrastructure. The livestock sector is also attractive for investment and needs modernization, construction of new production facilities, the procurement of modern equipment and machinery”, the Minister stressed.
The Minister also drew attention to the fact that the Government of Ukraine actively worked to create a national model for export support with the participation of the State Insurance Company. The Israeli experience in this case is extremely important.
At the end of the meeting, Oleksii Pavlenko invited the Israeli part to visit Ukraine for further acquaintance with the potential of the domestic agricultural sector.
“The International Agro-Industrial Exhibition and Fair “Agro – 2016”, to be held in Kyiv, on June 8-11, 2016, can be a good opportunity for such visit. And another  possible occasion may be the International Exhibition of Profitable High Effective Agriculture “InterAGRO”, which shall take place in Kyiv, on November 08-11, 2016”, Oleksii Pavlenko noted.

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