Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Petro Doroshenko

Petro Dorofeyevych Doroshenko (1627–1698) was a Cossack political and military leader, Hetman of Right-bank Ukraine (1665–1672) and a Russian voyevoda.

Hetman Pavlo Teteria promoted Doroshenko to the rank of his chief (general) yesaul in 1663. Doroshenko became the leader of the Cossack starshyna (senior officers) and elements within the ecclesiastical authorities who opposed 1654 Treaty of Pereyaslav. Supported by Crimean Tatars and Ottoman Turkey in 1665, Doroshenko crushed the pro-Russian Cossack bands and eventually became Hetman of Ukraine (Right-bank Ukraine).

Poland withdrew from the right-bank Ukraine due to numerous peasant and cossack uprisings, whose rebels sought to secure their liberties with military support from countries other than Poland and Moscow. They found it in the realm of the Ottoman Empire, the Crimean Khanate.
In the beginning the first Hetman recognized by Crimea was Sotnyk (captain) Stepan Opara from the Medvedesky company. However, that same summer of 1665 he was replaced by Doroshenko. In order to strengthen his new position, Doroshenko introduced reforms in hope of winning the respect of the rank and file Cossacks.

Doroshenko would often organize general councils where he would listen to the lower classes' opinions.  And in order to rid himself of the dependence on the starshyna (senior officers), the hetman created the Serdiuk regiments which consisted of 20,000 mercenary infantry units who took orders only from him. 

When his hetmancy began, Doroshenko, like all Right-bank hetmans, followed a pro-Polish line, but he quickly changed this policy upon hearing the signing of the 1667 Treaty of Andrusovo. The treaty officially divided Ukraine between Russia and Poland, with Russia gaining sovereignty over Left-bank Ukraine and Poland acquiring Right-bank Ukraine. Once the news reached Doroshenko, he reportedly suffered a seizure upon learning of Ukraine's partitioning. Doroshenko quickly deserted his pro-Polish position and decided to seek aid from the Ottoman Empire.

In the fall of 1667 Doroshenko, with support Crimean Tatars, defeated the Polish forces at the Battle of Brailiv (Brailiv) in Podolia. After the battle the Doroshenko's opposition led by the Kosh Otaman Ivan Sirko and Tatars stopped his further advance against Poles. With the Right-Bank seemingly secured, Doroshenko and his men crossed into Left-bank Ukraine and supported an uprising of Ivan Briukhovetsky against Muscovy. Following Briukhovetsky's execution, Doroshenko was proclaimed the hetman of all Ukraine on 18 June [O.S. 8 June] 1668.  As Doroshenko was reaching his zenith of power after successfully reuniting Ukraine, his numerous enemies united against him. 

The new Polish offensive forced him to return the Right-bank Ukraine appointing Demian Mnohohrishny acting hetman of the Left-bank. Doroshenko managed to secure the release from Polish captivity the Metropolitan of Kiev Yosyf Tukalsky-Neliubovych who moved his seat to Chyhyryn. In January of 1668 the Council of Officers (Seniors) in Chyhyrynexpressed its support for Doroshenko's intentions for the alliance with the Ottoman Empire. In autumn of 1668 Cossack delegation was sent to Istanbul with proposal for military alliance between the Cossack state and the Ottoman Empire. The alliance was once again approved at the 1669 Korsun Cossack Council (General Military Council) on March 10–12. The alliance was eventually proclaimed by the sultan Mehmed IV on May 1, 1669.

In 1672, with a force of 12,000 he aided the 100,000 strong Ottoman Army which invaded Poland defeated Polish army at the battle of Chertvenivka and laid siege to Kamenets (it had been captured and sacked) as well as Lviv. The war ended with the capture of Podolia and the signing of the Peace of Buchach. According to the terms of the treaty, the Podolia voivodeship was turned into an Ottoman province. And the Bratslav Voivodeship and the southern portion of the Kyiv Voivodship were to be recognized as Cossack territory administered by Doroshenko under a Turkish protectorate. But the war left consequences for Doroshenko, devastating his country. 

The vast Ukrainian territory was laid waste, cities were burned down, and hundreds of people were taken into captivity by the Crimean Tatars. Meanwhile in summer of 1672, Demian Mnohohrishny was replaced by Ivan Samoylovych at the 1672 Cossack general council near Konotop, Cossack Grove. As the Right-bank faced devastation by the Turkish power, Doroshenko began to lose the respect of his previously loyal civilians because of his collaboration with the "hated infidels." Although the alliance did perform an integral part in his successes, the rest of the population suffered at the hands of the Turks. 

As his forces were weakened from the ongoing wars, Doroshenko was forced to rely increasingly on the Ottomans. This was very unpopular with the majority of deeply Orthodox ChristianCossacks. As the Turks were considered the hated infidels of Europe. On the 1674 Council of Officers in Pereyaslav (March 17) Samoylovych was proclaimed the Hetman of all Ukraine. However the title was not in force until Doroshenko would abdicate. 

In summer of 1674 Samoylovych along with the Muscovite Grigory Romodanovsky launched an expedition against Doroshenko and besieged Chyhyryn. At that time Mykhailo Khanenko surrendered his hetman title to Samoylovych in exchange for some land estates. The Grand Vizier Kara Mustafa managed in time to lift the siege and drive the Muscovite forces beyond Dnieper. However, already in the fall of 1675 at the Cossack council in Chyhyryn Doroshenko abdicated and pledged his allegiance to Muscovy witnessing by Ivan Sirko

However, the Muscovite government demanded him to do that at the Left-bank Ukraine and it should be witnessed by Samoylovych and Romodanovsky, the request of which Doroshenko refused. In the fall of 1676 Samoylovych with 30,000 army crossed Dnieper and once again besiege Chyhyryn. After several hours of battle Doroshenko asked his 2,000 Serdiuk garrison stop resistance as he decided to abdicate (September 19, 1676). Doroshenko was arrested and brought to Moscow where he was kept in honorary exile, never to return to Ukraine.

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