Monday, February 22, 2016

Ministry of Agrarian Policy aimes at increasing attractiveness of agrarian industry

“In 2016, Ukraine has a chance to reach a record level of #grain export again. We have set a record by exporting 35 million tons of grain in 2015. This year, we are going to export more than 36 million tons of grain. The harvest will depend on the weather conditions. I expect that we will reach the volume no fewer than we had a year ago – more than 60 million tons”, Oleksii Pavlenko, the Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, informed in his interview.
What regards the state support for the industry, Oleksii Pavlenko stressed that the Ministry wanted to receive up to 4 million UAH of budget allocations as the support for farmers. But the shortage of money in the state budget encourages us to focus on other priority tasks.

“As I have already said, deregulation is our current main focus. The other direction is the cooperation with our international donors. Today we have already seen the results of cooperation with the European Investment Bank – we managed to sign an agreement to attract 10 billion UAH of loan for farmers. The other step is the attraction of investments to recover the irrigation systems in 5 southern regions of Ukraine.  This step will enable us to increase yields in this regions by 8-10 million tons and to create more than 100 thousand jobs. In the framework of this project, we intend to invest $1.5-2 billion in 2016-2017”, the Minister stressed.
Moreover, the diversification of Ukrainian products’ supplies is important for support of agricultural producers. With the beginning of trade war with Russia in 2013, Ukraine has succeeded in redirecting the export flows of agricultural products. Today, we export Ukrainian products to 190 countries. The major markets are the Asian (nearly $6.7 billion of export), the European ($ 4.1 billion) and the African ($ 1.9 billion) markets.
“The permit for export of Ukrainian products to the EU is very significant.  The European market accounts for $4.1 billion of export but also is featured by very different quality standards. For example, these standards provide for the analysis of all entire production chain in the dairy industry. A lot of sceptics told that Ukraine would never have milk of European quality. But today we have successfully passed the certification and 10 companies have already received the European certificates. It means, that additionally to the export of our products to Europe, we received great prospects for exporting to the Asian and African markets”, OleksiiPavlenko, the Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, stressed.

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