Thursday, February 11, 2016

Cabinet of Ministers adopts Programme of Activities of the Government and fundamental objectives and principles of public policy

The Government has approved the Action Program of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine as well as the fundamental objectives and principles of public policy (Action Plan of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in 2016): "This plan should be a road-map for the Government, Parliament and President in carrying out reforms in the country," emphasized Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk at an open meeting of the Government streamed live on Thursday, 11 February.

The basis of this plan, the Prime Minister stressed, involves 379 very specific, substantive decisions that must be taken by the Government, Parliament and President: "A law, act, decree, purpose and impact, all these make up the basis of our Action Plan."

Meanwhile, Arseniy Yatsenyuk has stressed that implementation of this plan "is possible only when we as Ukrainian Government, Parliament and the President clearly proclaim the principles on which we are able to continue carrying out reforms in the country."

At the extraordinary meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on February 4, he recalled, the Government declared the principles which are integral part of the Government’s Action Programme for the next year: "These are the basic principles which would enable the Government to continue its work as well as to continue carrying out difficult, unpopular, but yet vitally important reforms."

The main point is zero tolerance for delay in the implementation of current reforms.

The Prime Minister pointed out the need for "real quick steps towards reforms," "First, a transparent, fair, large-scale privatization of state property as well as adoption of appropriate legislation. The Odessa Port Plant, the ‘Centerenergo’, other energy companies and objects that are now prohibited for privatization, but have no strategic importance for the security of the state, should be put up for fair and transparent auctions with a view to attract investors, create jobs and increase the economic potential of the state".

It is also necessary to continue deregulation of the Ukrainian economy, reducing administrative pressure on the Ukrainian economy, the adoption of a large deregulatory package for improving Ukraine’s position in the Doing business ranking.

He called reform of the State Fiscal Service among the key changes to be undertaken.

This year should see the implementation of judicial reform – its adoption in the second reading of the amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine on judicial reform "simultaneously with the new law on the the judicial system and the status of judges, which includes not just the reappointment of current judges but their real recertification, dismissal of corrupt judges and fair and transparent recruitment."

"We are actually moving to a contract army and the Ukrainian Armed Forces must fully meet the standards and criteria of NATO," emphasized Arseniy Yatsenyuk.

He underlined that this year will be held "the full implementation of the FTA Agreement with the EU, the adoption of appropriate legislation for a visa-free regime as well as the introduction of a visa-free regime for citizens of Ukraine."

The document also provides the adoption of laws on the introduction of health insurance.

The second block, he emphasized, is equitable distribution of power. “We just need to execute the Constitution and relevant laws. Everyone assumes full responsibility for the area of their competence.”

“The Ukrainian Government is answerable to the Parliament. We respect the Ukrainian Parliament, but we are looking forward to the mutual respect from the Parliament, respect for those steps we are making, as well as the support for the current coalition Government,” he added.

“The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine is accountable to the President. That’s the reason why we must have clear relationship with the President in order to enable the Government to fulfill its Program of Reform, approved by the President and supported by the Parliament,” highlighted the Prime Minister.

Third block is “zero tolerance for political interference and corruption”:”Under the Constitution Members of the Parliament fulfill their constitutional obligations, submit bills, vote the laws, invite the Government and the Ministers to report, according to the Constitution. 

But they never appoint leaders of state-owned companies, never interfere in the activity of Ministers, as well as the Ministers should not interfere in the activities of the MPs of Ukraine and leaders of political parties, should not settle their interests through political blackmail or directly hindering the activities of executive authorities".

"The same applies to business groups, that including through certain members of the Ukrainian Parliament are trying to defend their personal petty business interests. It has come to end. It will never be that way, no matter what", accentuated Arseniy Yatsenyuk.
No business interests should get mixed in the modern Ukrainian politics, he urged: "Ministers can meet with representatives of enterprises and businesses. It's our job to develop the economy, entrepreneurship, to create work places. But each particular meeting conducted by political figures or representatives of business entities is compulsory to be recorded”.

In that case, if officials or leaders of state-owned enterprises are accused of corruption, the Government of Ukraine takes an urgent decision to conduct an official investigation: "If necessary, such official is suspended for the period of relevant official investigation. On the results of the official investigation, which will be promulgated, the decision shall be taken regarding the responsibility of this or that functionary".

Another guiding principle, according to the Prime Minister, is zero tolerance “for unlawful and politically motivated interference by law enforcement and special bodies into economic activities of enterprises, the work of ministries and Central Executive authorities”: “If the crime has been committed an official investigation is launched under the Criminal Procedure Law. Each will testify and be answerable under law. But if law enforcement and the special agencies are used for the lobbying purposes, we appeal to all law enforcement agencies to initiate an investigation in respect of each functionary of such enforcement agency, to suspend the involved officials from duty and conduct as internal investigation".

All the public companies, by the decisions of the nominating committee, must get new independent directors: "Neither the Prime Minister nor the Minister should chair a public company. Not to mention the factions and certain MPs. This is violation of law. This is political corruption we won’t tolerate".

"The same process should be held in the national banks. It's not within competence of the Government to manage public enterprises or banks and not within competence of the political class. Here directors are hired, how we did that, for example, for Naftogaz of Ukraine, which for the first time in history of Ukraine has demonstrated non-deficient work," added the Head of Government.

Arseniy Yatsenyuk added that there would be held international audit companies would conduct audit for 50 largest public companies: "This is the principle of zero tolerance for corruption and the absence of political pressure and political interference in the activities of state-owned enterprises".

These are the guiding principles the Government will follow its activity, he said: "We are aware that this Government is not the most popular authority. This is not our objective. Our goal is to improve the country's performance, not the ranking of those who are sitting at this table".

"As Government members we hope that the members of Parliament, members of the parliamentary coalition will finally reject personal pretensions, attempts of blackmail, continuous political debate that everything’s bad. We are doing what is crucial for the country, what was signed by the coalition, what they voted for and what job this Government was appointed to do", he stressed.

Arseniy Yatsenyuk reminded that the Government had submitted to the Parliament a report of its activity: “On Tuesday we are prepared to report on the results of work in the previous work”.

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