Thursday, January 14, 2016

President approved Law on State Bureau of Investigation

President Petro Poroshenko signed Law on State Bureau of Investigation at the press conference today.

“Despite the fact that I have certain remarks to this process, the Law on State Bureau of Investigation was submitted for my signature. I am signing it right now. Thus, the prosecution will be restricted solely by the representation of state interests in the court,” the Head of State said.

Answering the question about the threat of withdrawal of the EU sanctions against government officials of Yanukovych’s regime caused by the non-provision of evidence by the Ukrainian prosecution, the President noted that it was the issue of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau and the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecution.

“It was especially important to achieve independence of investigation and supervision over it,” the President added.

“Provide materials to the Anti-Corruption Bureau, which will carry out transparent investigation and abolish parliamentary immunity of all MPs. Thus, all corrupt officials will be brought to justice under the transparent procedure,” Petro Poroshenko said.

The President paid special attention to the importance of judicial reform. He expects the Parliament to vote for the judicial reform in the first reading by February 2.

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