Monday, January 18, 2016

High Representative Mogherini welcomes successful Foreign Affairs Council (on the reform process inside Ukraine)

Implementation Day of the Iranian nuclear deal, which happened on 16th January, is a turning point for security and stability in the region, but also opens new avenues for bilateral cooperation with Iran, High Representative Federica Mogherini said today, following the Foreign Affairs Council.

She shared with ministers plans for a visit that she will lead to Tehran with members of the European Commission to cover different aspects of the EU’s possible cooperation with Iran.
Ministers also adopted Council Conclusions on a number of issues: “On Libya, you know very well it is crucial hours. You know very well that I met not only the Prime Minister designate but also the all Presidency Council just ten days ago. We started discussing priorities in the European Union’s support to the future Government of National Accord,” Mogherini said.
Council also unanimously adopted conclusions on the Middle East Peace Process: “The text is a good and common basis for our common position and also engagement in the Middle East Peace Process with the parties on the ground but also with the international community but also with international actors and the regional partners.”
Minister devoted the whole morning to discussing Syria and Iraq and the regional developments since the beginning of the year, especially with increased tensions between Saudi Arabia and Iran after the executions that were carried out in Riyadh and the reactions in Iran. They called on all parties to de-escalate the tensions, in particular to protect the process to bring an end to the conflict in Syria. 
“That is the track that needs to be followed. The political talks in Geneva among the Syrian parties have to start. We have unanimously shared the priorities for us as the European Union in coordination with the Member States to support actively the work of the UN special envoy, Staffan de Mistura,” Mogherini said. 
Ministers also had a very important exchange with Jordanian Foreign Minister, Nasser Judeh.
“Jordan is one of the most, if not the most, relevant partner in a very turbulent region, an island of stability as they defined themselves and we all agree inside the European Union that we need to invest in the resilience and the stability of Jordan. Because our job is not only to manage the crisis but also to invest in the countries that are showing an enormous amount of resilience and stability in difficult times.” 
They also prepared together the London conference which will take place on 4 February, which will be a donors conference but also a political conference which the High Representative hoped would make a very important contribution to the stability and management of the crisis inside Syria and in the surrounding region.
Ministers also discussed Ukraine, restating the EU’s full and united support to the full implementation of the Minsk agreement but also focusing on the reform process inside Ukraine and especially the reform of the judiciary, the reform of the public administration sector, the decentralisation reforms and recognising the work the Ukrainian authorities have done over the past months to move forward the reform agenda.

 Link to the video:


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