Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Volodymyr Demchyshyn and U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary for Infrastructure Security and Energy Restoration William Bryan discussed implementation of the Action Plan for 2015-2016

On November 2, 2015 Volodymyr Demchyshyn met with representatives of the Ukrainian-American-Canadian-European working group led by Deputy Assistant Secretary for Infrastructure Security and Energy Restoration William Bryan.
Aimed to elaborate activities to respond to emergencies in the fuel and energy complex in the autumn-winter period, there was set up in September of 2014 a joint Ukrainian-American-Canadian-European working group under the chairmanship of Deputy Assistant Secretary for Infrastructure Security and Energy RestorationWilliam Bryan.

The working group prepared a draft National Plan, which contains possible scenarios of occurrence of the main threats in the fuel and energy complex of Ukraine and suggested measures to respond and prevent them.
During the meeting the sides discussed the state of implementation of the Action Plan for the autumn-winter 2015-2016 and the latest achievements in reforming the energy sector.
Much attention was paid to the issues of available energy resource. Volodymyr Demchyshyn informed about significant amounts (about 2 million tons) of coal, which are in uncontrollable territory and cannot yet be transported to the territory controlled by the Gov’t because of the blocking of railway tracks.
Moreover, the Minister stressed that this year’s gas reserves exceed last year showings (17 bcm), and the price of Russian gas affords to purchase the needed amount. "This allows us to affirm that we have all the conditions to ensure passing of the winter period according to the schedule", said the Minister.

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