Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Comment of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine regarding G20 statement on the fight against terrorism

Ukraine joins G20 in condemning the terrorist attacks in Ankara on October, 10 and in Paris on November, 13 and expresses its condolences to the victims of these terrorist acts and to their families.

Ukraine is ready to contribute to G20 efforts in combating terrorism, which undermines international peace and security, hinders the development of global economy and sustainable development. Ukraine reaffirms its position on condemning any terrorist acts, regardless of their circumstances and motivation of terrorists, and rejects any attempt to associate terrorism with any religion, nationality or ethnic identity.

We support G20 position on the importance of countering terrorism. This priority must be implemented within the framework of international law and with respect to the UN leading role in this matter. This work will be one of the mainstream directions of Ukraine’s activities as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council.

Ukraine, as a country which is experiencing the negative consequences of Russia supported terrorist activities, welcomes the G-20 firm intention to undertake measures to prevent the phenomenon of increasing cross-border insurgent and terrorist flow and to eradicate threats to all countries.

We realize that regular terrorist attacks happening around the world are the clear evidence of urgent need to intensify international cooperation and solidarity in countering terrorism. We underline the particular importance of effective efforts - both at international and national level - to prevent and counteract the financing of terrorist activities and terrorist organizations as well as to ensure inevitable prosecution and punishment of individuals or organizations that provide such funding in any form and by any methods.

Ensuring real, not declarative cooperation of States and mutual assistance of their law enforcement agencies in preventing financing terrorism is the key to overcoming this phenomenon, which has become rampant at the regional and global levels. Any assistance to this crime from the part of government agencies or officials must lead to the international responsibility of States for the crime of financing terrorism.

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