Tuesday, November 10, 2015

A Government's initiative to establish a national research fund to support development of science and technologies supported by the Parliament of Ukraine

Targeting to give a new impulse to the development of domestic science, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine drafted a bill "On the research, scientific and technical activity", which proposes significant changes in the scientific sphere of the country. On Tuesday, November 10, the Ukrainian Parliament backed the bill in the first reading.
The aforesaid draft law is aimed at modernization of legislative support in the sphere of research and scientific-technical activities and envisages the establishment of new approaches to management and funding inthe domain.
The Ministry of Education and Science specialists explain that the bill stipulates for funding all scientific research in various institutions: universities, research institutions from a single Fund – the National ResearchFund. In addition, there will be set up a National Council for the development of science and technologies that would shape state policy in the field of scientific research.

The bill envisages the mechanisms to establish upgraded infrastructure units following best worldpractices, in particular, scientific innovation ecosystems. Academic institutions and universities will have anopportunity to launch joint master's, doctoral programs etc.

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