Monday, September 14, 2015

Judicial reform must ensure the inevitability of punishment for corrupt officials - President

President Petro Poroshenko emphasizes that the reform of judiciary and law enforcement bodies is aimed to overcome corruption and ensure the inevitability of punishment for corrupt officials.

"Judicial reform must ensure the inevitability of punishment for corrupt officials. They will not reach an agreement. Nothing will save them. Neither protection of oligarchs, nor stolen billions, nor political ties," the Head of State said in the interview with Ukrainian TV channels. The President also stands for the introduction of responsibility of judges "for releasing corrupt officials".

The President stressed that a series of new state structures that enjoy public confidence have already been created. "First of all, because they do not take bribes. Second, they must be decisive in the elimination of corruption," Petro Poroshenko emphasized. An open selection of police officers is continued, testing of local prosecutors has been started, detectives of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau have been chosen. They undergo polygraph tests, IQ tests. It hasn't been done in Ukraine before.

"We shouldn't dismiss one or two officials. We shouldn't dismiss Deputy Prosecutor General or Prosecutor General. It will not change anything no matter whom you will appoint. We must change the entire system," the President said.

"We are determined to radically change the image of Ukraine. Legislative settlement is required for that and it is almost finished," the Head of State noted expressing gratitude to civil activists, parliamentarians and international partners who provide assistance in the given issue.

Answering the question about the date of completion of judicial reform, Petro Poroshenko informed that the Constitutional Commission has finished the work over the constitutional amendments on judicial system and the draft has been submitted for consideration by the Venice Commission. The Head of State is hopeful that Ukraine will receive conclusions on this draft in 2 weeks and then, broad public discussion of constitutional amendments will be held.

The President urged the public, deputies and experts to take part in this discussion. "Do not be indifferent.

The text is on the website of the Parliament. Speak out! As soon as all opinions will be collected, the draft will be submitted to the Parliament," the Head of State noted.

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