
Sunday, May 24, 2015

Law of Ukraine "On Culture"

Date of entry into force:
January 12, 2011


The Law determines the legal principles of activity in the sphere of culture, regulates social relations associated with creating, using, distributing and preserving cultural heritage and cultural valuables, and aimed to ensuring access to them.

According to Article 4, the priorities of state policy in the sphere of culture are determined by:
·         state programs for economic and social development of Ukraine and action programs of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, in which aspects of culture development must be included;
·         state target programs in the sphere of culture, developed and adopted according to the legislation.

According to Article 7 of the Law, the state guarantees the freedom of creativity and free choice of activity in the sphere of culture.

Citizens have the right to access cultural valuables and benefits of culture. Preschool children, pupils, students, retired and disabled people have the right to visit state and communal cultural institutions, and nonschool educational facilities in the sphere of culture on preferential terms that are provided for by the legislation (Article 8 of the Law).

Article 12 of the Law establishes that the main types of activity in the sphere of culture include:
·         creating, performing, replicating, distributing, demonstrating (by public showings and public broadcasts) and popularizing works of literature and art;
·         creating, preserving, safeguarding, using and popularizing the national cultural heritage;
·         scientific research in the sphere of culture, literary and art criticism, film criticism;
·         organizing public recreation and leisure.

The subjects of activity in the sphere of culture are:

·         the state in the person of authorized bodies of executive power;
·         territorial communities in the person of bodies of local self-government;
·         professional creative specialists;
·         scientific workers, particularly in museum and library institutions, historical and cultural reserves, archive institutions;
·         teachers employed in educational institutions in the sphere of cultures;
·         amateur artists;
·         workers of culture;
·         cultural institutions as well as enterprises, institutions and organizations of all forms of ownership, the statutes (provisions) of which provide for working in the sphere of culture;
·         individual citizens and associations of citizens working in the sphere of culture.

According to Article 15 of the Law, cultural institutions and workers of culture, while adhering to the requirements of the legislation, freely distribute and popularize works of literature and art, and independently determine the repertoire, programs, content and form of their touring and performing, exhibiting, librarian, informative and other activities in the sphere of culture.

Article 19 of the Law determines that cultural institutions of various legal forms of economic management and ownership are created and function according to the legislation.

Article 26 of the Law establishes that expenses to support cultural institutions are:
·         funds of the state and local budgets;
·         funds received from economic activity and rendering of paid services;
·         grants, charitable contributions of natural persons and legal entities, including foreign ones;
·         other sources not forbidden by the legislation.

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