
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The chronicle of the Cossack Hetmanate

In 1654, the Ukrainian people won the national liberation war with Poland. This war ended with the establishment of the national Ukrainian state known as the Hetman state or Cossack Hetmanate (here and after Hetmanate). In the documents of that time this state is also called the Zaporozhian Host, or Rus’ or Old Rus’.

However, it remained a real threat to the resumption of Polish rule over Ukrainian lands. In these circumstances, the national leader of Ukraine Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky signed an agreement with Russia on which Hetmanate was given a significant autonomy. A considerable autonomy was the basis of the ongoing debate on the definition of the nature arising under the contract relations between Russiaand the Hetmanate: protectorate, union, military alliance or vasalitet.

In the future similar agreements concluded between each newly elected Ukrainian Hetman and the Russian state. These contracts are called “articles” and called from the place of conclusion of the articles. The each subsequent articles to restrict the autonomy of Ukraine until its complete destruction. Here is a chronicle of these articles.

1. 1654 - March or Pereyaslav’s  Articles of the Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky.
  Hetman elected by the General Council. The supreme legislative authority belongs to Hetman.
Hetman has the right to legislate Universals (laws). The supreme executive power also belongs to Hetman. The the disposal of public expenditure, the organization of the collection of taxes, Hetman represented the Hetmanate in international relations. Getman was a supreme military commander.
The judiciary belongs to Hetman. He has the right of the highest appellate.

2. 1659 – Pereyaslav’s Articles. Hetman Yuri Khmelnitsky (son of Bogdan Khmelnitsky).
Cossacks were deprived of the right to the ouster of the Hetman without the permission of the Moscow Tsar. Kozak was forbidden also to participate in the war without a decree of the Moscow Tsar. Hetman was forbidden to enter into negotiations with Poland (Rzecz pospolita).
Moscow troops stationed in Kyiv, Pereyaslav, Nizhyn, Chernigov, Uman. The duty of Russian troop’s board and lodging was assigned to the Ukrainians.

3. 1663 – Baturin’s  Article. Hetman Ivan Bryukhovetskiy.
Articles were signed during the crisis of the Ukrainian state. Ukraine was split into two opposing parts: the Right Bank of river Dneiper and the Left bank of river Dnieper. Hetman of left-bank of Ukraine I. Bryukhovetskiy called himself as a slave of the Russian Tsar. Cossacks was forbidden to export vodka and tobacco in Russia.

4. 1665 – Moskow’s Article. Hetman Ivan Bryukhovetskiy.
Hetman placed under the direct authority of the Moscow tsar. The population of Ukraine was to pay taxes to Moscow tsar’s treasury. Twice has increased the number of Ukrainian cities, which housed the Moscow garrison with governors.

5. 1669 – Glukhovski’s Article. Hetman I. Mnogogrіshny.
 Hetman and the foreman made some concessions from Moscow tsar. Was decreased in numbers the number of Ukrainian cities which housed the Moscow’s military garrisons. Moscow’s military chiefs are forbidden to interfere in the internal affairs of Ukrainians. Authority for collecting taxes was placed on the Ukrainian administration.
However, the article established further restrictions autonomy Hetmanate:
- Hetman was forbidden to enter into diplomatic relations with foreign countries;
- Confirming the eternal citizenship Left-Bank Ukraine Moscow tsar;
- A special regiment was created to quell uprisings in Ukraine.

6. 1672 -  Konotopski’s Article. Hetman I. Samoylovich.
Further limiting the autonomy of the Hetmanate. Hetman was forbidden not only to enter into relations with foreign powers, but also enter into relations with the right-bank Ukraine’s Hetman - Doroshenko. Hetman was deprived of the right to participate in the Moscow-Polish negotiations, where it was determined the fate of the Hetmanate. At the request of the Moscow tsar the Cossacks gave Poland the land and the city on the River Sog.

7. 1674 - Pereyaslav’s Articles. Hetman I. Samoylovich.
Proclaimed eternal citizenship of the Moscow tsar the Right Bank of river Dnieper and the Left bank of river Dnieper. Hetman was limited in rights with respect to the Cossack’s sergeant. Hetman was obliged to send unopened letters from foreign powers to Moscow tsar.

8. 1687 - Kolomatski’s Article. Hetman Ivan Mazepa.
General Military Council Hetman ceases to exist. The cossack’s foreman could elect Hetman only with the permission of the Moscow tsar.  The cossack Hetman foreman was obliged to control Hetman and in case of his disloyalty to report about this to Moscow tsar.  Hetman pledged to comply with the terms of the "Eternal Peace 1686" which is fixed that the Polish government will be on the right-bank of the river Dnieper in Ukraine.
First mentioned the connection of the Ukrainian and Russian peoples. Encouraged the Ukrainian-Russian marriages. Ukrainians have the right to free movement within the territory of the Moscow State.
Moscow is obliged to provide military assistance for Hetman if necessary.

9. 1709 - Article Reshitilovski’s Article. Hetman I. Skoropadsky.
Limited powers of Hetman administration. Hetman had to fulfill orders of Moscow tsar. The tsar’s resident exercises control functions in relation to the Hetman’s government. Militarily of Hetmanat obey under command of the Moscow army in Ukraine.

1722 - 1727 years. Instead, the tsar’s resident was created a Little Russian Collegium. Having the status of the final court of appeal, it actually went over to assume of full power. Without the consent of her Hetman could not publish the Universals and give orders to his colonel. All taxes have gone to Moscow now.

10. 1728 - Reshitelnіe items. Hetman D. Apostol.
It was forbidden to elect Hetman without the tsar permission. The right to withdraw from the post of Hetman belonged to the Moscow tsar. The Hetmanat’s government deprived of the right of diplomatic relations with other states. In military affairs Hetman completely subordinate to Moscow General - Field Marshal. Treasury of the Hetmanate came under the control of the Moscow tsar. The cossack’s colonel was equated to the Moscow Major General. The General Court of Hetman was introduced three Russian officials. All candidates for the Court approved by the Moscow tsar.

1734 -1750 years. Ukraine was without Hetman. Ukraine was in charge of the affairs of the Board Hetman’s government. This Board was composed of an equal number of senior Moscow officers and Cossack general foremen.

1743 - the beginning of the proceedings carried out in accordance with the Moscow legislation.

1750 was elected last Hetman - K. Rozumovsky. The election has allowed the Russian Empress Elizabeth based on her personal considerations. Hetman K. Rozumovsky was the brother of the queen consort.

1764 By Decree of Catherine II the Hetmanat  was eliminated completely.
Catherine II also eliminated Sich. Khortytsya Island - the location of Zaporizhzhya Sich was given to the German colonists.

1781 in Ukraine was introduced Russian control system in accordance with The Code of the Russian provinces.

1786 - Little Russian Collegium eliminated as unnecessary.

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