
Thursday, August 1, 2024

Vision of the Ukrainian People: Negotiations - YES, Concessions - NO

As Ukraine enters its third year of war, the resilient spirit of its people shines through in their stance on peace negotiations. According to a recent survey by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology, 57% of Ukrainians believe that talks with Russia are essential to achieve peace. However, these negotiations come with stringent conditions.

A significant majority, 60%, firmly oppose ceding Crimea and parts of eastern Ukraine. Additionally, 77% of Ukrainians find negotiations based on the current territorial status quo entirely unacceptable. The sentiment is equally strong regarding NATO and EU membership, with 74% and 76%, respectively, rejecting any notion of abandoning these aspirations as a condition for peace.
The public mood in Ukraine starkly contrasts with the capitulation that Putin anticipated. The unwavering resolve of the Ukrainian people is evident: they are open to dialogue but steadfast in their principles.
As the saying goes: they attacked the wrong people.
Glory to Ukraine!

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