
Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Up in Ukraine: Peace Plans and the End of the War

 Over the past few weeks, peace plans have been raining down on the heads of Ukrainians. Information about peace and the end of the war comes from all sides.

There is a peace formula for President Zelenskyy. The head of EU diplomacy has stated that there is no other peace plan than Zelenskyy’s.
In response, Putin, apparently prompted by China, has put forward his peace plan. Putin's plan is as simple as it is crazy: Ukraine must give him even those territories he could not capture.
Additionally, there is Macron's peace plan and the UN's plan. Then there is China’s position and Xi Jinping’s four principles for a peaceful settlement of the Ukrainian conflict. Boris Johnson also has a peace plan, which he took to Donald Trump. Isn't it too early?
There is the Steinmeier plan and the Sajdik plan, not to mention the Minsk agreements, which already seem to belong to the Middle Ages.
Thus, there are a considerable number of peace plans for Ukraine, but peace has not yet arrived.
Let's take a look at the desires for an end to the war in Ukraine among the largest stakeholders.
Do Ukrainians want peace and peaceful negotiations with Russia?
Yes! Forty-four percent of Ukrainians are not against negotiations with Russia. But! None of the Ukrainians want peace in exchange for territory.
Does Putin want peace?
Absolutely. He states this several times a month. He is demonstratively in charge of the occupied Ukrainian territories. By the way, if Putin is doing so well on the front line, then why does he want peace so much? Maybe because the front line is twice as long as the border between Germany and France.
Does the USA want peace in Ukraine?
Maybe. It is not easy to end the war after allocating $61 billion to Ukraine (for which many thanks, of course). But does the US want Ukraine to win? It’s hard to say. It’s taking too long for F-16s to fly to Ukraine. Speaker Johnson has been blocking financial aid to Ukraine for too long. Does the US want Russia to win? Definitely not.
Does China want peace in Ukraine?
Perhaps, Yes. Moreover, China has expressed recognition of the territorial integrity of Ukraine. In other words, China considers Crimea Ukrainian. In response, the Ukrainian Foreign Minister said that he considers Taiwan part of China during his visit to China.
Does Europe want peace in Ukraine?
Absolutely. Europeans received super profits from cheap Russian gas. Europeans have made huge investments in Russia. The war destroyed everything.
Thus, everyone wants peace and the end of the war in Ukraine, but peace does not come and the war does not end. The main questions are on what conditions peace is possible and the process of negotiations itself.
Time will tell whether the peace that everyone is waiting for this year will come to Ukraine. Unexpected events can change the usual picture of the world and bring the end of the war closer. For example, Joseph Biden may retire from the presidency early. Or the ballet Swan Lake might be shown on television in Russia.
Glory to Ukraine!

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