Saturday, July 6, 2024

Kremlin's "PEACE" Operation: Smoke and Mirrors

 "While they are saying, 'Peace and safety!' then sudden destruction will come upon them." The age-old warning seems eerily apt today as we witness another Kremlin special operation under the code name "PEACE" unfolding. With an air of orchestrated urgency, Kremlin-controlled media and politicians are clamoring about peace and security. Even Viktor Orbán, the enfant terrible of the European Union, finds himself shuttle-diplomating between Kyiv and Moscow.

At a recent joint conference in Moscow, Orbán, representing a NATO member country, practically genuflected before Vladimir Putin—a man internationally sought by the International Criminal Court. Is this a stark case of Hungarian realpolitik, or is Orbán acting as Putin's horse within the EU?

Putin, draped in the guise of a peacemaker, shamelessly lies to the world, fully aware that his deceit is transparent. It's disheartening to watch as a member of the UN Security Council, who has annexed part of a neighboring state, decimated cities, and targeted Ukrainian civilians, now calls for peace. The inversion of reality is striking—as if Ukraine attacked Russia, not the other way around.

Why this sudden peace initiative from Putin? Is it the impending delivery of F-16 fighters to Ukraine? Will these planes ever arrive, or is this another psychological operation—a carrot dangled before Ukraine? Perhaps it's in response to the anticipated Ukrainian counter-offensive. Only time will reveal the full picture.

For now, one thing is painfully clear: only fools or knaves believe Putin’s farce.

Glory to Ukraine!

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