
Wednesday, March 13, 2024



Tomorrow, March 14, Macron will make an urgent appeal to the French people regarding the war in Ukraine.

It was finally explained to Macron that Russia was kicking France out of Africa. Hence Macron’s opposition to Russia. In particular, his statements that France could send troops into the territory of Ukraine. In addition, France has already signed agreements with Armenia and Moldova, which directly contradicts the interests of Russia.
It would be nice if someone explained to Macron that Russia has long turned into a proxy of China.
It is important for Putin and China to create as many points of tension and destabilization around the world as possible. Next, stabilization in exchange for territory or resources.
In former times, Russia hid behind ideology (for example, the liberation of the Balkan Slavs or the world revolution).
At this stage of development, Russia has reached such a stage of degradation that it justifies Hitler and openly pursues a policy of state terrorism.
With the US weakened by Speaker Johnson, the immoral jewel in Trump's crown, Macron is forced to look after the interests of France, becoming a significant ally of Ukraine and the foremost leader of a free Europe.

Speaking on TV, Macron says there no point in negotiating with Putin: "We negotiated as much as we could, but there is nothing to talk about with Putin anymore. Ukraine must win. There will be no red lines for France. I’m the President of France and I decide"

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