
Saturday, February 24, 2024

Everything is a little different in Ukraine: humor and all that


At the endless fair of scientific vanity, someone claiming the high title of intellectual may imagine who knows what about himself. Looking down on other people, such a thinker is confident in his intellectual superiority over ordinary people. He seems to be the most intelligent, witty and endowed with a subtle sense of humor.

Everything is somewhat different in Ukraine. Here, any cashier at a supermarket checkout considers herself much smarter than the President of Ukraine. As for wit and humor, here’s a simple example.

Imagine the Ukrainian city of Genichesk occupied by the Russian army. An ordinary Ukrainian woman, turning to a Russian soldier, tells him: “You came to our land with weapons! At least put some seeds in your pockets so that the sunflowers will grow!“ Next, imagine a picture showing a huge field of sunflowers. Against the background of this picture, the voice of the announcer from the Moscow military parade sounds: “And here is the 51st Guards Parachute Red Banner, Order of Suvorov Regiment named after Dmitry Donskoy.”

This is just one modest example of Ukrainian inimitable humor during the military confrontation with Russia. This humor reflects the unbending will of Ukrainians to defeat the enemy.

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