
Saturday, January 19, 2019

The difference between the real volumes of consumed gas and the ones specified by the contract with Gazprom fueled corruption in Ukraine - President

President Petro Poroshenko in a meeting with the public of Zolotonosha town and Zolotonosha district stressed that Ukraine had won a lawsuit against Gazprom in the Stockholm Arbitration for $4.6 billion.
According to the President, today was a press conference at Naftogaz, where the company's management said that the total amount of Ukraine's losses from the implementation of the contract signed with Gazprom was 32 billion. The President said that there were populist promises to reduce gas prices for Ukrainians dramatically. "And why do they promise that now? Why did you fix the price of $450 per thousand cubic meters then, which is almost twice what Ukraine pays now?" he added.

"There is an extremely high danger in this - of either the fifth column of the Kremlin, or the populists who are trying to deceive people," the President said.
Petro Poroshenko stressed: "And we stand, do energy saving. And if earlier from 20 to 30 billion of imported gas was bought from abroad, and this contract obliged us to buy 50 billion cubic meters, in 2017 we bought only 14 billion cubic meters, and in 2018 - only 10 billion cubic meters”.
According to him, if we compare 50 billion cubic meters in the contract and 10 billion cubic meters now, the question arises where was this 40 billion difference? "It fueled corruption in the energy sector, which was stopped by our joint efforts," the President said.

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