
Monday, December 3, 2018

Ukraine takes measures to confront the threat of Russia's full-fledged invasion - President

Ukraine takes all available measures that may prevent a full-scale Russian invasion of its territory, President Petro Poroshenko said. One of these is the introduction of martial law in 10 regions after the open aggression of Russian soldiers against Ukrainian ships.
"Ukraine is taking its own measures to confront the threat of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine. And when someone says we should have used land routes to drag the Ukrainian ships by land ... What does this mean, dear state mongers? You suggest giving up the Kerch Strait to Russians? Recognize the illegal occupation status? Where will you go further and how will you continue to trade Ukrainian soil?" the Head of State noted during a speech at the Forum "70 Years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Agenda for Ukraine”.

"In order to protect the sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of our state, I introduced martial law in the 10 regions of Ukraine neighboring with the Russian Federation, as well as those located on the coast of the Black and Azov Seas," Petro Poroshenko noted and reminded that it will last 30 days.
The President once again stressed that this is a measure aimed primarily at protecting the Ukrainian people, it will not affect the constitutional rights of citizens. "Again I want to emphasize - this is a preventive step, which in no way aims at curtailing the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens. It is introduced only to expand the capabilities of the Armed Forces and the entire security sector, including the National Guard, which in these conditions we have the right to engage in order to respond quickly to rising threats," he said, recalling the information provided by the intelligence on the increase in the number of Russian troops along our border and in the occupied Crimea.
"Martial law is a preventive measure for 30 days. This time will be used to strengthen our defense and our ability to protect citizens from the attack of the enemy. We will not allow to repeat February-March 2014. I hope that we will be able to confine ourselves to these measures and will not need to prolong it," he added.
Petro Poroshenko reminded that Russian aggression has been lasting for more than four years already. Despite this, the enemy did not break us. "Moreover, Ukraine has already gained a great moral victory - the enemy didn’t force us to give up our values. Whatever the difficulty is, we do not resort to curtailing human rights, rights and freedoms of citizens," he stressed.
"We are going our way. This is a path to Europe, to a single space of high values, among which human rights are fundamental. I emphasize that Ukraine will be in the European Union, Ukraine will be in NATO. Because the common efforts of the Ukrainian people will overcome all the challenges. The aggressor will definitely bear responsibility for the crimes, and the rule of law will prevail in the liberated territory, as well as throughout the territory of Ukraine," Petro Poroshenko noted.

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