
Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Moscow Patriarchate’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church ceases Eucharistic communion with Constantinople Patriarchate

The council of archbishops of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church sees the Patriarchate of Constantinople Holy Synod’s decision on Ukraine as one without the canonical force, and has announced a breakup with Constantinople.
“The council of bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church believes that the Patriarchate of Constantinople Holy Synod’s decisions of October 11, 2018, regarding the Ukrainian church issue, are invalid and as such have no canonical force. 

(…) By taking the anti-canonical decisions and officially recognizing the schismatics, the Patriarchate of Constantinople, according to church rules, itself embarked on the path of schism. In view of this, Eucharistic communion between the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and the Patriarchate of Constantinople is currently impossible and being ceased,” the Church’s Archbishops Council said in a resolution adopted at a Tuesday meeting.

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