
Monday, October 22, 2018

Most Ukrainians say 'no' to idea of swapping Crimea for Donbas peace - Poll

Ukrainians believe that Crimea is Ukrainian territory, and that Russia will not halt its aggression against their country anyway.

Most of Ukrainian citizens (65.8%) spoke out against the exchange of Crimea for the termination of war Russia has been waging in Donbas, that's according to a nationwide survey by Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation and the Oleksandr Razumkov Ukrainian Centre for Economic and Political Studies on August 16-22, 2018. In particular, respondents were asked whether it was worth "swapping" Crimea for Donbas to end the war and secure peace in the area – that is to recognize the occupied Crimea Russian territory in exchange for the withdrawal of Russian forces from the occupied Donbas and the halt of Russia's support for the so-called "Luhansk People's Republic" ("LPR") and "Donetsk People's Republic" ("DPR"). 
As reported, 52.7% of Ukrainians answered negatively, stressing Crimea is a Ukrainian territory. Another 13.1% of respondents also said "no" because they say Russia will continue aggressive policy against Ukraine anyway. Some 10.8% of Ukrainians consider that it is necessary to agree on any proposals that will lead to peace, even the Crimea exchange. A mere 5.2% of respondents consider this is possible if Russia pays compensation for the property Ukraine lost in Crimea. At the same time, 0.3% of Ukrainians consider other options, while 17.9% of respondents have found it difficult to answer the question. 
Moreover, Ukrainians were asked if they were ready to support the renewal of financial subsidies for Crimea from the national budget in case of its return to Ukraine.

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