
Wednesday, September 19, 2018

We will not allow revenge. Russia will never return to Ukraine - Ukrainian President

"We will not allow revenge. And Putin will never make a decision for the Ukrainian people anymore," President Petro Poroshenko said during the participation in the artistic event "Premiere - evening of concerts by Myroslav Skoryk". The Head of State once again expressed conviction that "tomorrow our people's deputies will vote for the presidential amendments to the Constitution, in which the European and Euro-Atlantic choice of a sovereign independent Ukrainian state is clearly fixed".
The President stressed that "the Ukrainian people and Ukrainian authorities will never again ask for Putin's permission to go to Europe".

"We gained this right. And we will always remember that we paid a very high price. 2911 Ukrainian heroes gave their lives on the frontline for the very right of our choice," the President said. "Therefore, we will act decisively, persistently and courageously. The struggle for an independent Ukraine continues, but we will come out of this struggle as winners. I am convinced of that together with you. Russia will never return to Ukraine," the Head of State summed up.
Petro Poroshenko especially emphasized the importance of the visa-free regime with the EU, the Association Agreement, the Free Trade Area, the revival of the Ukrainian Army and the Ukrainian state.
"We are insurmountable, because we rely not only on the army, but also on the power of spirit of our people and the talents of Ukrainian artists," the President said.

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