
Thursday, September 20, 2018

Ukrainian Week in London: Presenting Today’s Ukraine to the UK

Ukrainian Week in London, to be held October 8–11, 2018, is a major initiative launched by Bate C. Toms, Chairman of the British-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce (BUCC), and Yuriy Kosyuk, founder and Chairman of MHP, an agricultural company listed on the London Stock Exchange. For this initiative, business joins forces with the civil society and the expert community to explore the common interests of the UK and Ukraine in the context of rising global challenges and to call attention in the UK to investment, trade, and other opportunities in Ukraine.
In the last 4+ years, Ukraine has undergone significant transformation, driven by the country’s decisive steps in the direction of integrating itself with the Western world. It has made important strides in its transformation into a European market economy, having modernised its banking system, created new institutions for effective fight against corruption, and introduced regulatory changes that make Ukraine easier to invest in.

All of this has taken place against the backdrop of Russian aggression against Ukraine that didn’t deter the country’s progress. However, many misleading or outdated images of Ukraine may still persist in the UK. We aim to correct them by providing an accurate and informed picture of Ukraine’s on-the-ground reality.
We are confident that this series of events will spark new interest in Ukraine’s potential as a reliable and complementary partner for the UK, both in deepening economic cooperation and in formulating a joint response to modern security threats, informed by the experience and expertise of each side.

Events Comprising the Ukrainian Week in London

Day 1 of the Ukrainian Week will be devoted to the Security Conference, focusing on strategic challenges, threats, and opportunities for cooperation between Ukraine and the UK.
Days 2 & 3 will be devoted to the Business Forum, focusing on the topics of investment and finance, showcasing important Ukrainian economic players and emerging companies, as well as infrastructure and regional development and manufacturing investment opportunities for UK-based investors and financial institutions. A special focus on bilateral trade, agriculture, and energy will be coupled with the presentation of the Ukrainian-government-led trade mission to the UK.
Day 4, the IT Day, will focus on IT and technological innovation, showcasing leading Ukrainian tech companies and addressing the needs of a wide variety of UK startups and scale-ups looking for Ukrainian partners and investors.

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