
Thursday, September 20, 2018

Ukrainian President: Russia must return Crimea, compensate losses incurred by Ukraine and guarantee non-recurrence of aggression

President Petro Poroshenko notes that Ukraine seeks peace by political and diplomatic means, as it is in line with the national interests of the state. He said this during the Address in the Verkhovna Rada "On the Internal and External Situation of Ukraine in 2018".
"The Kremlin is trying to persuade our allies of the alleged preparation by Ukraine of the power scenario for the liberation of the Donbas. Of course, we should have this option, because every army should be ready for any scenarios. Ukraine has the right to self-defense in accordance with Article 51 of the UN Charter. And we have emphasized this separately in the recently approved Law on the Donbas reintegration. But our strategy for peace is to reach it politically and diplomatically, because it is optimal for Ukraine and is in line with our national interests," he emphasized.

"Russia's attack began with the attempt to annex Crimea and it must be finished with its return - including the reimbursement of damages incurred and the provision of effective guarantees of non-recurrence of the aggression. We are struggling for this in international courts and we are convinced that we will win as we won in Stockholm," the Head of State emphasized.
"We convince the whole world that any concession in favor of the Kremlin without restoring the territorial integrity of Ukraine is a defeat. Defeat of law and freedom. This is a defeat of the democratic Europe and the victory of the authoritarian Asiope. Meanwhile, the whole country is full of big boards calling for a "compromise" with the aggressor. "Pigeons of peace" are almost on every pillar ... But the shadow of these pigeons resembles a double-headed one. And you shouldn’t be deceived with a soothing cooing, because the beak of these turtledoves brings seeds of peace under Russian conditions," Petro Poroshenko emphasized.
"Peace” is a beautiful and attractive wrapper, in which you can put everything you want. So we have to be vigilant. Do not forget that the enemy came here not for Crimea, not for the Donbas, it came for the whole Ukraine. The empire is impossible without Ukraine. So where will we draw the boundary of the so-called compromise - on the Donets, on the Dnieper, on the Zbruch?" the President asked.
Petro Poroshenko stressed the need to accelerate the process of resolving the situation in Ukraine, especially as regards the implementation of a peacekeeping mission under the auspices of the UN.
"Real progress in the settlement must be demonstrated, the main indicator of which is harmonization of parameters of deployment of a peacekeeping mission under the aegis of the United Nations in the Donbas," the Head of State said.
Petro Poroshenko intends to raise this issue during his visit to the United States of America, where he will take part in the session of the UN General Assembly.
"I will talk about this next week during a speech in New York at the United Nations General Assembly. The mission must necessarily be deployed throughout Ukraine reaching the Ukrainian-Russian border," the President said.
"This will create conditions for the implementation of part of the Minsk agreements, including the withdrawal of Russian troops from the occupied Ukrainian territory," he added.
"If this does not happen, the Law on the special order of local self-government will not work. This should be our logic. All responsibility for the failure of the Minsk process should definitely be put on Russia," the Head of State concluded.

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