
Monday, September 24, 2018

The decentralization reform will be prolonged, while the resourse transferred to the regions should be translated into a new quality of life, assures Volodymyr Groysman

A fundamental decentralization reform - the transfer of administrative and financial powers - will be prolonged, but the requirement for local self-government bodies is to convert the transferred resource into the new quality of life of Ukrainian citizens. This was stated by Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman during the Forum of representatives of local governments "A Day of Dialogue". The Forum took place in Ternopil, where the Head of Government is on a working trip today, September 24th.
"A few years ago, we used to have monologues: the central authorities were telling one thing, the local government - something different. And they did not hear one another. We have built a new system", said Volodymyr Groysman. "We face the challenge - to build a strong state with sound economy. Is it possible without strong communities? No, it isn't. Local governance must be consolidated through empowerment, transfer of resources and responsibility. These are the three pillars the local governance should base on."

The Head of Government stressed that currently at the central level there had been introduced fundamental changes - in education, healthcare, industrial policy, sector of business climate development. And the involvement of regions in these changes should be largest possible. Each Ukrainian has to feel a new quality of life.
"And here the bodies of local self-government must understand how to convert the resource into the required quality", said Volodymyr Groysman. "This year, the Government came up with three priorities in work: the economy and a package of economic laws, European integration and decentralization. While proceeding along a difficult and long path I was keeping this idea in mind. And I'm satisfied that this idea today has practical application and yeilds a good result. "
According to the PM, in 2014 he came to the central government and, in fact, became "the mayor of the whole of Ukraine".
"We must form strong communities. And they should be engaged in economic growth. In the dialogue we will be able to find the right statist solutions", added the Head of Government.
Within the framework of the Forum, the Prime Minister took part in the ceremony of transferring land plots to communal ownership from the State Service of Ukraine for GeodesyCartography and Cadastre (StateGeoCadastre) to 15 of consolidated communities of the Ternopil region. In general, almost 7,000 hectares were transferred to the communities.

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